Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny



DoDM 5105.21-V1, October 19, 2012

Enclosure 5, 1-b.

It's worth noting that DoD Manuals are all restating of parts of USC. Although I am posting the DOD reg, the same information applies to all agencies and is in their manuals almost word for word. I just failed to find the source reg in all the garbage google throws out.

Yes, but they won't be able to because SoS has the ability to declassify anything unilaterally, just as the Joint Chiefs can declassify any mil documents. All she has to do is make a memo declassifying that material "appear" with a date prior to the emails. There's not even a form, it's just a memo at that level. I'm pretty sure that she took an electronic copy of her letterhead home with her and has a friendly person in the administration to "find" it...

For us Joes, if we notice it, we report it to the SSO and the command makes a determination on whether the leaker keeps his clearance. Either way a 15-6 happens and the IASO is charged with trying to contain the damage and assess the risk of spread of the leak. Been there done that, someone went cross-domain while I was IASO in a contingency area. I had to provide the audit trail for the investigation showing the access and the media used to go cross domain after cleaning up the mess. There was more, but not for a forum. Let's just say it was a giant PITA.
I thought she could only declassify State Dept stuff, wouldn't a SCI document originating from DoD require a DoD downgrade?
I thought she could only declassify State Dept stuff, wouldn't a SCI document originating from DoD require a DoD downgrade?

Not necessarily. DoD controls classification within DoD networks. When you talk about documents that are passed from one agency to another, it falls under a program called OCA (Original Classification Authorities). These are the top level folks that can decide to classify, at what level to classify and to declassify. All others that classify documents all the way down to the intel specialist working in a SCIF have that ability delegated from the OCA's. Declassification can only be delegated as far as the SSO additional duty, which cannot be delegated to NCOs unless an appropriate Officer is not available. All members of the cabinet, including SoS have that ability either innately by position or delegated from the President under his OCA authority (Executive Order 13526). Since DoD information passed outside of DoD departmental control, it would fall under the broader OCA that derives from the President.

Here's some light reading on OCAs


Here's the Executive Order that gives Secret/TS OCA authority to the SoS.

Executive Order 13526- Original Classification Authority
I don't think anyone is going to give a shit. To be honest, I don't really give a shit. Why would I? No one has ever said why I should give a fuck.

She broke the rules? Okay, which candidate for president hasn't done something stupid? She was a high level employee who prob ably has very little to do with her own low level shit. What do I mean? She probably doesn't handle her own email stuff, some GS4-5 does that stuff for her.

Why else do I as a potential voter care about this?

Donald Trump is calling women pigs, Ted Cruz is.....well Ted Cruz. The entire GOP is a shitshow, and the only hope they have is this email "scandal"? Goddamn they are out of touch.
Telling, considering your position regarding burning servicemembers who attended to their own defense when the goddamn military and government tossed them out sans T10 or reserve, effectively.

What position is that?

I said I as a voter don't really care... As a person who was entrusted with information I care a great deal. Maybe I am jaded but I also understand how shit happens at that level. Everyone is looking at it from the perspective of her being the person that is handling her own shit. People like her exist in bubbles, with assistants and convoys and 757's to fly them around.

Then We all pretend she has time to look at email classifications?

I think that someone fucked up. Yes some private would have been burned probably, and I bet some other low level employees have been burned by this. But that is the way things go unfortunately.
A new report just came out that invalidates the "self declassification" I described above. It was NSA information that should have been marked TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN

Most seriously, the Inspector General assessed that Clinton’s emails included information that was highly classified—yet mislabeled as unclassified. Worse, the information in question should have been classified up to the level of “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN,” according to the Inspector General’s report.
The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails

SI/TK changes the rules.
Here's the memo from the IG:

A new report just came out that invalidates the "self declassification" I described above. It was NSA information that should have been marked TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN

The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails

SI/TK changes the rules.

They're missing the caveat REL CHINA.

"News outlets" seem to be carrying the story but where is it on CNN?

Very telling.
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I can't speak for Lindy's intent, but looking at the "Front pages" for CNN, Fox, CBS News, and ABC News, only CNN doesn't show the story. I tried both CNN's main site and the US regional version....nada.

CNN may carry it on their site, but they've buried the story. Maybe it will appear later today, but as I type this it isn't on the main page.
A new report just came out that invalidates the "self declassification" I described above. It was NSA information that should have been marked TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN

The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails

SI/TK changes the rules.

Seems like it could have been FINTEL then.. You don't find much SI/TK together in single source information except in over-classifications. Now we just have to wait for them to find some Gamma and HCS.

I can't speak for Lindy's intent, but looking at the "Front pages" for CNN, Fox, CBS News, and ABC News, only CNN doesn't show the story. I tried both CNN's main site and the US regional version....nada.

CNN may carry it on their site, but they've buried the story. Maybe it will appear later today, but as I type this it isn't on the main page.

LOL.. The Clinton News Network is coming back!

I see this as destroying her and making way for Biden/Castro or Biden/Warren. Depending on if they are going for the Latino or women vote.
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What position is that?

I said I as a voter don't really care... As a person who was entrusted with information I care a great deal. Maybe I am jaded but I also understand how shit happens at that level. Everyone is looking at it from the perspective of her being the person that is handling her own shit. People like her exist in bubbles, with assistants and convoys and 757's to fly them around.

Then We all pretend she has time to look at email classifications?

I think that someone fucked up. Yes some private would have been burned probably, and I bet some other low level employees have been burned by this. But that is the way things go unfortunately.

I think these are the quotes being remembered.

So disobeying a lawful order is breaking policy? Sweet. I guess we can all do whatever the fuck we want.

After the Fort Hood shooting MP's set out checkpoints and caught a ton of guys bringing concealed weapons onto Bragg. Those guys that had weapons caught the Green weenie the same as this guys should.

She did the same thing Petraeus (and Broadwell) did, they were punished for it, but it's ok with you (for Hillary to do this), as a voter?
I may be speaking poorly. If she knowingly broke the law she should obviously be punished. I just think she is less in control of her email and such as everyone is portraying. My "as a voter who cares" argument is because honestly most people(read people not religiously watching Fox) don't know or care about this scandal.
What position is that?

I said I as a voter don't really care... As a person who was entrusted with information I care a great deal. Maybe I am jaded but I also understand how shit happens at that level. Everyone is looking at it from the perspective of her being the person that is handling her own shit. People like her exist in bubbles, with assistants and convoys and 757's to fly them around.

Then We all pretend she has time to look at email classifications?

I think that someone fucked up. Yes some private would have been burned probably, and I bet some other low level employees have been burned by this. But that is the way things go unfortunately.

So disobeying a lawful order is breaking policy? Sweet. I guess we can all do whatever the fuck we want.

He broke the law! He should be punished. The fact that there was a shooting doesn't absolve him of being guilty of flat out ignoring regulations. You don't get to be on your OFP.

I don't think anyone is going to give a shit. To be honest, I don't really give a shit. Why would I? No one has ever said why I should give a fuck.

She broke the rules? Okay, which candidate for president hasn't done something stupid? She was a high level employee who prob ably has very little to do with her own low level shit. What do I mean? She probably doesn't handle her own email stuff, some GS4-5 does that stuff for her.

Why else do I as a potential voter care about this?

Donald Trump is calling women pigs, Ted Cruz is.....well Ted Cruz. The entire GOP is a shitshow, and the only hope they have is this email "scandal"? Goddamn they are out of touch.

You're honestly part of the problem at this point.

What difference does it make, though?

And as to being in control of her email: SHE PURPOSELY MADE A FUCKING OFF-NETWORK SERVER. That's the MOST control for email you can have, other than actually flat out being the admin for that server.
I may be speaking poorly. If she knowingly broke the law she should obviously be punished. I just think she is less in control of her email and such as everyone is portraying. My "as a voter who cares" argument is because honestly most people(read people not religiously watching Fox) don't know or care about this scandal.

Concur^^^^and that is the national disaster we are facing, apathy, lack of responsibility for one's own actions. The mainstream media has control of so much right now, there is so little news, and way too much political posturing. An awful lot is riding on the upcoming election, and people who don't care, are uninfromed, and mis-infromed are going to the poles. The Nation that went to war in WW II, to free Europe, no longer exists. We are so far from that sense of global, national, and personal responsibility is so far away, I doubt if we will ever see that sense of national pride again. It was there for a brief period right after 9/11. American Flags on vehicles were so good to see, do we have any chance of seeing that again?
Unfortunately, I know of many who have no concept of the subject in which we are talking about in this thread. Not only do they not know about it -- or seriously care about it if they are aware -- it doesn't play any part in their decision making as to their choice with regards to the presidential election.

Uninformed, apathetic electorate...one of the banes of our elections.