Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Good, she should get it out of the way now. By the time the next election rolls around, this will be a dead issue (HRC and the DNC will claim "we've already covered all of this") and won't effect her election. Anyone bringing it up will be castigated by the media for dredging up old news. In the eyes of her handlers, better to get all the dirty laundry out in the open now, so it has time to become old news before the election ramps up.
Her opponents can use it against her in the Primary Elections.
Last post was terrible and I can't edit.

What kind of match-ups could you see as being very competitive? For example, I think combination (President and VP) of two of the three: Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Trey Gowdy.
The thread is starting to drift a bit. I'm going to go ahead and start up another thread to discuss the Roman circuses... oops, I mean the 2016 presidential election season.
Anyone read the released emails? I saw only a few and after I saw some that were CLEARLY marked S//NF and C, I stopped reading out of disgust.

She should be punished as those to forwarded the classified material to an unsecure email account.
Anyone read the released emails? I saw only a few and after I saw some that were CLEARLY marked S//NF and C, I stopped reading out of disgust.

She should be punished as those to forwarded the classified material to an unsecure email account.
Isn't that the gist of the General Petraus indictment?
I was under the impression that the FBI retrospectively declared some of the stuff to be classified but it wasn't at the time it was sent? So they weren't marked at the time, rather after the release.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending her- I think it was very poor judgement on her part.
She is disgusting. The fact that she is attempting to run for office as the POTUS after shit like this is an insult to all Americans.
She is disgusting. The fact that she is attempting to run for office as the POTUS after shit like this is an insult to all Americans.

Considering she's in the running in all the polls, we insult ourselves. Most people believe she will be the next POTUS, something which is entirely in the hands of all Americans. Yet we allow ourselves to swirl further down the toilet bowl.
She is disgusting. The fact that she is attempting to run for office as the POTUS after shit like this is an insult to all Americans.

If she becomes our next POTUS, and I fear she will, it will be as a result of a "One Party" nation. After eight years of obama at the helm, with HRC being the supported Dem front runner. No one else, in eight friggin years has been identified, and supported as a front runner. There should be at least three solid electable Republican candidates, after eight years of trying to get it together. And government continues to grow.
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Considering she's in the running in all the polls, we insult ourselves. Most people believe she will be the next POTUS, something which is entirely in the hands of all Americans. Yet we allow ourselves to swirl further down the toilet bowl.

They're already working on her oil portrait and setting up her Presidential library. I wonder what kind of china Bill will pick out?
The FBI has opened a criminal probe into Hillary Clinton's email shenanigans

FBI investigation of Hillary's emails is 'criminal probe'
FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’
The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.

“The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

Clinton’s camp has downplayed the inquiry as civil and fact-finding in nature. Clinton herself has said she is “confident” that she never knowingly sent or received anything that was classified via her private email account.

Shit's getting real, folks. If this probe digs up something and the AG files charges, she's pretty much toast.

Personally speaking, I know a lot of (former) Hillary supporters who do not plan on voting for her because of this scandal. Even if no charges are filed, this will give her future opponents tons of campaign ammunition. She's pretty much toast either way.
The FBI has opened a criminal probe into Hillary Clinton's email shenanigans

Shit's getting real, folks. If this probe digs up something and the AG files charges, she's pretty much toast.

Personally speaking, I know a lot of (former) Hillary supporters who do not plan on voting for her because of this scandal. Even if no charges are filed, this will give her future opponents tons of campaign ammunition. She's pretty much toast either way.

I'd like to think so but I'm not confident of that at all.
I'd like to think so but I'm not confident of that at all.
Don't know.

RumInt says neither camp likes each other, so a criminal probe or charge could be Obama's walking out the door fuck you to the Clinton camp.

Problem is who gets the Dem nod?

I want to see if Biden runs, Hillary getting charged would put our Crazy Uncle Joe on the fast track to a nomination.
Even if Obama wanted her charged, would the DNC allow that to happen?

I doubt they would break ranks in an election year. They may gnash their teeth behind closed doors, but sink their ship and help the Republicans? Nope. Two years ago, maybe, but not an election year.
Even if Obama wanted her charged, would the DNC allow that to happen?

I doubt they would break ranks in an election year. They may gnash their teeth behind closed doors, but sink their ship and help the Republicans? Nope. Two years ago, maybe, but not an election year.

Hillary is divisive enough that she could lose, so sink her now and let someone else get elected. I have to assume her e-mails are sitting in a classified vault waiting to be leaked.
Republicans can't win against most of the Dem field (Hildabeast being an exception).
Demographics are not in their favor, and they are too fractured and haven't carried out a single campaign promise.
They lose the Presidential Race, and keep a razor slim majority in the Senate.