Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

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Yep. I cannot think of a single GOP candidate that can fund-raise the way she can.

No smiley...are you serious?:-o


I Googled "democratic party illegal fundraising" and I no shit got a call from Mountain View asking me NOT to do that again...my search was crashing their East Coast servers because it brought back so many results.:ROFLMAO:
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If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party nominee, she will win the next election. IMO it has already been decided. I'd be willing to make a small wager on the outcome.
What's to tell? She is the anointed one of the Democrat Party, she is a seasoned political infighter with name recognition, the ability to raise HUGE amounts of cash, and oh yeah she has some pretty decent creds. Additionally, no one on the Republican side can beat her. If she gets the nom, she wins. The Democrats would love to follow up the first black president with the first woman president, so it will either be her or Elizabeth Warren.

Yeah I never said she was the best in the legal way. But she will get more money for sure.
That's funny.

Well I was serious. Infowars is a trash site with an obvious heavy drama slant on everything they put out. The article links to a WaPO article that is actually full of facts, so you could have posted that. Speaking as an admin, keep it to legit news sources. I would be bashing on move on.org or any left wing website as well.
Apparently, the Hildebeast's enforcers are starting early. From the Twitter feed of one Amy Chozick of the NY Times...

Tweet 1/2. Tweet 2/2. Tweet 3.

For those not inclined to follow the links...

A group called HRC Super Volunteers just warned me "We will be watching, reading, listening and protesting coded sexism..." (1/2)

2/2 Sexist words, they say, include "polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident..."

Also sexist, according to HRC Super Volunteers: "Secretive" and "will do anything to win, represents the past, out of touch..."

If true, I've got no words. None.
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