How does dating a foreign national affect your clearance?

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Verified Military
May 14, 2009
I move around too much...why bother posting my AO?
Say for instance someone held a TS/SCI in the past. Separated from the service...and was looking into civilian contractor work that would require a reinstated clearance (which to my knowledge would also mean a stint in the reserves).

In the meantime, they had dated a foreign national who was a student in the States (ohhh uhhh let's just say Russian/Ukranian woman they are fat and hot).

How would this affect one's clearance? Would this create major problems? Hypothetically speaking of course;)


P.S. This is all strictly hypothetical, but if in any way this violates any OPSEC parameters please delete it.
I don't really know the answer to this, but I'd assume dating wouldn't be an issue. Marriage may be another story.

On a side note. Saddam's neice works as a terp here on VBC.. and I'd marry her if I had a chance.. who needs a clearance?
I don't really know the answer to this, but I'd assume dating wouldn't be an issue. Marriage may be another story.

On a side note. Saddam's neice works as a terp here on VBC.. and I'd marry her if I had a chance.. who needs a clearance?

It is my understanding "Marriage" to a foreign National excludes you from certain assignments. As well may require you to report contact with any foreign Nationals to your SEC/Manager on a regular basis. (Might be a hassle for dating)

As for it excluding you from TS/SCI, I dont think so. Although it may affect caviates. Or so I was told.

I per say dont know how it would work for the intel community, but during my screening for MARSOC, the security questioner specifically asks if you have any friends, relatives, etc that are foreign clearly it is a matter of concern for areas of concern, even more so for the intel community, atleast that is my impression.

I per say dont know how it would work for the intel community, but during my screening for MARSOC, the security questioner specifically asks if you have any friends, relatives, etc that are foreign clearly it is a matter of concern for areas of concern, even more so for the intel community, atleast that is my impression.


Yeah exactly, that's what made me ask. I remember that question specifically. Not sure if they ask just to know, and then follow up if they see anything weird...or if it's one of those big time DQ questions.

P.S. Polar Bear, you're a bastard! ha ha ha
In the meantime, they had dated a foreign national who was a student in the States (ohhh uhhh let's just say Russian/Ukranian man they are hot).

So did you date a Russian/Ukranian man? Or this just an example of poor punctuation?
I am married to a girl that was born in Thailand. I work in the MI community. I had to start her process to becoming naturalized, I got a waiver by my commander in the meantime. Just got our letter, going to see the judge in a few weeks to finalize it all. The Army asked me those same questions you guys got, i answered and was truthful. They looked into my background found nothing of concern. I know of quite a few others in my same situation with different countries for their spouse's. Its not a deal breaker for the mil side.
ESL touched the right answer. If you have a clearance, you must report any reoccuring contact with a foreign national to your security manager/S2. Yes, this includes dating. If I'm your 2 and you 1) have access to the material I safeguard 2) are dating a foreign national without notifiying me... the minute I find out I will to yank your access so fast it will make your head spin. Then I'm going to set my CI wolves upon you. Buyer beware.
So did you date a Russian/Ukranian man? Or this just an example of poor punctuation?


Oh my God I can't believe that I typed that shit. I meant woman. Honest! :doh:

A very embarrassing example of poor punctuation.
Unless PB hooked me up again like he did with my sig. LMAO

Sorry for the mixup, in this hypothetical story, the foreign national is most definitely a 100% stunning blonde female.

Right about now I feel reaaaalllly stupid.
ESL touched the right answer. If you have a clearance, you must report any reoccuring contact with a foreign national to your security manager/S2. Yes, this includes dating. If I'm your 2 and you 1) have access to the material I safeguard 2) are dating a foreign national without notifiying me... the minute I find out I will to yank your access so fast it will make your head spin. Then I'm going to set my CI wolves upon you. Buyer beware.

Oh yeah no way in hell would I lie about it. Chicks are everywhere, clearances aren't. Thanks for the info.

Temporary splittail is great, but it ain't worth losing a reinstated clearance over. At least not to me.

Oh my God I can't believe that I typed that shit. I meant woman. Honest! :doh:

A very embarrassing example of poor punctuation.
Unless PB hooked me up again like he did with my sig. LMAO

Sorry for the mixup, in this hypothetical story, the foreign national is most definitely a 100% stunning blonde female.

Right about now I feel reaaaalllly stupid.

Good to hear it was a woman.

Pictures? :evil:
If you have a clearance - report it. If you don't have a clearance, it'll take that much longer. If you are trying to keep or get a clearance, avoid the 5 countries. That is all...
I married a Cuban who would assassinate anybody named Castro for a cup of cafe con leche and a footrub.
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