Hurricane Matthew

The Fujiwara Effect is an interesting phenomenon which can happen when two or more hurricanes form very near each other. In 1921, a Japanese meteorologist named Dr. Sakuhei Fujiwhara determined that two storms will sometimes move around a common center pivot point.

The National Weather Service defines the Fujiwhara Effect as the tendency of two nearby tropical cyclones to rotate cyclonically about each other. Another slightly more technical definition of the Fujiwhara Effect from the National Weather Service is a binary interaction where tropical cyclones within a certain distance (300-750 nautical miles depending on the sizes of the cyclones) of each other begin to rotate about a common midpoint. The effect is also known as the Fujiwara Effect without an ‘h’ in the name.

Fujiwhara’s studies indicate storms will rotate around a common center of mass. A similar effect is seen in the rotation of the Earth and moon. This barycenter is the center pivot point around which two rotating bodies in space will spin.
I have a good friend working MAA out on Gitmo who had to evacuate his whole family over to Florida. Live streamed the hurricane on the 'book when he wasn't on duty earlier in the week. It didn't look pretty then, it's certainly not going to look any better now. Stay safe Floridians who read this thread.
I wish for once one of these goddam root weevils with a microphone standing out in the fucking rain and breeze pretending to be bracing themselves against a Force 10 gale when the trees are barely moving and all they can blab about is the coming armageddon that they think could possibly happen, would be sucked up into the stratosphere by a freak tornado never to be heard from again.
Watching three different radar looks like the storm is starting to turn away from FL.
Hey, Shep? How about you and everyone at Fox News eat a gigantic dick. <3's!

ETA: So far, so good for the family. They just checked in. Also, Shephard Smith can eat a YUGE dick, just a really, it's a big, just a yuge dick. (You know you read that in Trump's voice)

Political preference aside, playing into the collective meme that is Fox News, at this I point expect someone over there to find a way to link the hurricane and the current Clown Epidemic to Clinton as some form of social engineering

EDIT: It seems @Freefalling already made this point in the Time for a Hate Crime thread. I was semi proud of the joke, but the better man beat me to it. Back to the writing pad.
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These reporters on the east coast can't seem to find even a tree that's fallen down. Because if they found one, 500 of them would be fighting each other for the chance to do a stand-up in front of it.
In NC Matthew is forecasted to take a wee turn westward, so more rain and breeze. Still nothing like the clobbering Fla is getting, so I'll take it.