I got banned from Facebook for this picture.

Very few people actually care about what each of us think, eat, where we'd like to go, etc.

The ones who genuinely do are very likely the ones you see in person, anyway. Or on SS... possibly.

Take the plunge and delete the account.
I had a FaceSuck account for about two weeks. Some Internetz Nazi came through and deleted some of my war pictures as inappropriate content. Just some dead E-bods holding a can of Pepsi. The whole shit show seemed like a magnet for retards, so I deleted the account with extreme prejudice and felt much better.

No offense to anybody here or retards in general.
I had a FaceSuck account for about two weeks. Some Internetz Nazi came through and deleted some of my war pictures as inappropriate content. Just some dead E-bods holding a can of Pepsi. The whole shit show seemed like a magnet for retards, so I deleted the account with extreme prejudice and felt much better.

No offense to anybody here or retards in general.

Ummm, yeah. They definitely did not have you in mind when they put that little site together. LOL
Very few people actually care about what each of us think, eat, where we'd like to go, etc.

The ones who genuinely do are very likely the ones you see in person, anyway. Or on SS... possibly.

Take the plunge and delete the account.

FB is important to me personally because many of my IRL friends know nothing about veterans and our community. This is the best way for met to reach and educate them. It's important to me professionally because almost all of the distribution for my "side job" comes from FB. I'm literally losing money right now because I can't promote our product.

Finally, it's important to me as an American. I'm an American, in America. I'm not going to get pushed around in support of someone else's SJW political agenda.