I got banned from Facebook for this picture.

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard, but my mom just sent me this via text message in regards to the change in my profile picture:

"Honey, what is that? I don't understand what you are doing!"

There you go. Parental supervision. Anything my boys post on FaceBook their mother will inspect and, if necessary, question with prejudice. Like pictures of girlfriends. That's an invitation to interrogation. :D
I changed mine with the "why" behind the decision. I strongly disagree with Black Lives Matter, but the is America. Or it should be.
I'm out of Facebook jail. Still no explanation. And that "offending image" that I got banned for, the one they say they removed, is still my profile pic? They never removed it.

Making it all the more bizarre and fucked up.

We are in an era where free speech is being rapidly eroded, and the world seems to be racing to jump on the train before it goes over the cliff of intolerance.
We will pay dearly for this someday.
It's possible someone flagged it, you were temp banned, it was reviewed and found to be in compliance with their policies. I suspect that's the most likely situation. I can try and poke around for more info about their process, if you care.
Making it all the more bizarre and fucked up.

We are in an era where free speech is being rapidly eroded, and the world seems to be racing to jump on the train before it goes over the cliff of intolerance.
We will pay dearly for this someday.

I couldn't help but think of this:
It's possible someone flagged it, you were temp banned, it was reviewed and found to be in compliance with their policies. I suspect that's the most likely situation. I can try and poke around for more info about their process, if you care.
I'd like to know what happened. It's bullshit I got banned at all, temp or not.
Making it all the more bizarre and fucked up.

We are in an era where free speech is being rapidly eroded, and the world seems to be racing to jump on the train before it goes over the cliff of intolerance.
We will pay dearly for this someday.

At the end of the day though it's a private company's services we're using. Their place their rules.

Which does suck since IIRC at first they were all about being neutral in things unless they actually crossed the line- not perceived crossing like this.
At the end of the day though it's a private company's services we're using. Their place their rules.

Which does suck since IIRC at first they were all about being neutral in things unless they actually crossed the line- not perceived crossing like this.

I wish it were only on FB. This is a worldwide problem now, from schools and normal people on the street, to the Military and governments.
I wish it were only on FB. This is a worldwide problem now, from schools and normal people on the street, to the Military and governments.

Right, apologies, I thought you were just talking about FB. Yeah I agree with that actually.
Apparently this happened to quite a few people, even a couple of recognized names in the Veteran Community.

Facebook Banned Me For This Image. You Won’t Believe The Reason Why.

Take a look at the offending image, as shown in this message from Facebook. This is the message G4G received, I got a similar one and so did my friends who had that image as a profile pic. What possible portion of Facebook’s Community Standards did we violate, exactly? Go ahead and look the rules over yourself, I’ll wait.

So if that’s really all there is to it, why were we singled out for this completely innocuous, non-offensive, and non-political image?

I suspect it is because we fell victim to somebody’s sense of social justice. I’ll explain:
FaceCrap hires a lot of SJW brainwashed youth and obviously give them more power than they should.

I can hear his supervisor now: "I know you hate them, Cletis, I do too...but we have to wait until they do something really offensive, like post the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. Now you just forget all about it and I'll see you at the Communist Party Meeting tonight."
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