I/ITSEC 2022


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I don't suppose any of you nerds out there are going to I/ITSEC?

I/ITSEC Homepage

The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) is the world's largest modeling, simulation and training event. Held near the beginning of December in Orlando, Florida, USA, I/ITSEC consists of peer-reviewed paper presentations, tutorials, special events, professional workshops, a commercial exhibit hall, a serious games competition, and STEM events for teachers and secondary students. I/ITSEC is organized and sponsored by the National Training & Simulation Association (NTSA), which promotes international and interdisciplinary cooperation within the fields of modeling and simulation (M&S), training, education, analysis, and related disciplines at this annual meeting. The NTSA is an affiliate subsidiary of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). Hence, I/ITSEC also emphasizes themes related to defense and security.
I don't suppose any of you nerds out there are going to I/ITSEC?

I/ITSEC Homepage
They lost me when the definition of the SEC part of ITSEC is "Simulation and Education Conference" Everyone knows that SEC in the title of anything IT means security. Using it any other way means a group of IT amateurs... I don't care that security is included in the agenda, we all know it's the title that matters.
Pretty cool stuff here, but absolutely useless to me…which was expected.

Lots of VR displays. Medical sims are understandably “the gorier the better.” Flight and shooting sims galore. It is funny to see who is in the back like Microsoft, Georgia Tech, and Hewlett-Packard.

An hour to go until my mandatory meeting and then I can E&E.

But if training and sims are your thing, it’s a pretty good show.
@SpongeBob*24 one JTAC simulator and one weak C4ISR simulator. Gaming companies are well represented with NVIDIA, MSI, Bohemia Interactive (multiple booths), and Unreal Engine appearing. People laugh at gamers and their place in a modern military, but they have a place.

SAAB is pimping the hell out of AT missiles and their training systems. Imagine that…

3-4 door gun simulators with M134’s and 240’s represented. The graphics were underwhelming, but it’s good to see those mission sets represented. VR maintenance is also a big thing which makes sense. Those are very well detailed and you can learn an entire aircraft in a classroom.

Neat stuff, just not my lane.
Sadly DOD has gotten away from sending people to a lot of these things where you can actually learn about new things on the market. This is how we end up stagnant in technology and sole source everything to your big DOD companies.
Sadly DOD has gotten away from sending people to a lot of these things where you can actually learn about new things on the market. This is how we end up stagnant in technology and sole source everything to your big DOD companies.

If this wasn't local, only a handful from my command would have attended and those folks wouldn't be the engineers and PMs...

The one thing that surprised me was how many companies are making the same damn thing. You can only do so much with a flight trainer to make it stand out among the competition. The same with shooting or driving simulators. It is all kind of "meh" after awhile because it is all the same. I'd imagine medical sims are there or getting there, but that's wellllll outside of my lane.

The big "revolution" in training sims right now though is for maintainers and aircrew (take THAT, pilots!). My airframe has done test runs to qualify the entire crew before they step in an airplane; I expect that to become a standard in the next 5 years. Our maintainers have hands on mockups, but some aspects are becoming virtual and I only see that trend growing across the DoD.

Ships and subs are benefiting from sims as well, but I don't deal with that stuff at all.

A few years ago the Navy announced plans to carrier qualify pilots in a sim before sending them to the fleet. Rookie pilot, fresh out of flight school, and his/ her/ their/ whatamIsupposedtosay look at the ship will be a solo ride in an operational squadron. Hell, the Air Force is starting to fly test missions in the KC-46 with a single pilot and a single fuel pumping dude...after extensive work in a sim.
It’s interesting you mention subs as over here we’re going to get some nuclear boats & the way forward is ‘fuck, how do we crew & train them?’ So maybe our guys go stateside to train. Just a 💭 but just mebbe. But I guess uptick in co-capability is for another thread.