I was outed today, anyone ever have that happen?


Verified Military
Sep 7, 2006
At the Help Desk at the library, after speaking with a male patron about 40-50 yo for about 15 seconds, he asks me if I was in the military? Now mind, this is right next to JBLM, but still, asking that of a woman?

I said yes, he said, Army? Again I replied yes and asked how he knew. His reply was that I used "good to go" and that was something his dad had used during 25 years of service.

Who knew I still had the speech patterns? :p

Of course, because of the day, I was wearing a flag pin on my shirt collar, and I'm thinking that prolly figgered into the whole thing too... :-"

I always get the, when Veterans Day or something, friends that don't understand what I did in the Army, call me an Airborne Ranger. I try to explain that I was not a Ranger but I served with some. They look at me like I have 11 teen heads. I am ugly but give me a break.

I get some odd looks and questions at time. Around PDRA2 I like to wear a Army baseball cap with my wings and Army Retired pin. On one side of the hat are pins from my Army units. On the other side are pins for my Marine units.... I've had a couple of guys come up to me just knowing they have a poser.... One asshole was such a shit that I put my retired ID card one inch from his nose....

At work (VA) since we are now required to use a CAC card, the Joint Commission (hospital accrediting commission) requires an ID card that identifies not only your name, but title. Needed really from the Nurses so you can tell who is RN and who is a MA/LPN/NA etc. Most Doctors just use their Michigan badges. The rest of us just have a VHA Staff card that will hang behind and below the CAC. Then, for veterans, there is one for your branch of service. I rock two of those... only a couple of us like that.
Usually it's just her 1000km stare and muttering "Big Dogs, Big, Big Dogs... quit barking..." under her breath

Speaking of versatile F-bombs and throat chops.... guess what I'm getting when she arrives home from work tonight?
I don't know what you are getting but she had better have a home cooked meal ready for her....and microwaved wieners on rye bread don't count
I don't know what you are getting but she had better have a home cooked meal ready for her....and microwaved wieners on rye bread don't count

y'know... sometimes I really hate you... a lot... cuz you're ugly and mean... I'm going to cry now, thanks, you hurt my one scarred feeling... bastige...:(:ROFLMAO:
My ex military mates can recognise another military/ex military people quite easily, I have about a 60% success rate. At work one day I walked into the control room and one of the guys goes to me "that guy in the grey sweatshirt, military?" "Yeah he is." I replied. "Military Police?" "Actually yeah, how'd you know?"

"Looks like a cunt." :ROFLMAO:
Even when I was trying to look like a hippie I kept getting called out.

"Let me guess, you're Military?"

"WTF? I'm on vacation, I've got long hair and haven't shaved in months!"

"Stop knife handing and getting in people's faces, hippies don't do that"


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