

I see you leave on the 23rd of March. Do you know of anyone who is starting indoc of 22nd of Feb (this is when my start date is)?
The only one I know is gyellow. His name is gregg. He's the one that started this forum and is starting with you! I know a few guys im staring with in 8 June 10. Thats about it bro. oh a buddy of ours was in 003 I believe it was but washed out! Good luck :)
Do you have any clue what the prep course is? When i went through the 1st time, we had "pre-team", but that was done away with back some time ago. Is gregg fresg out of basic or is he a retrainee? I just want to make sure i didnt miss a step in my crosstraining, because i never was told about a prep course. Thanks again my man!
ya its not much of a "prep course" I know for me I have 2 weeks till my date and the first week is all pretty much i wont even have time to get on a preteam..and yes I just graduated BMT feb. 7th and my indoc date is feb. 22nd