Info Every one should Know about STROKES


Verified Military
Verified Military
Oct 24, 2006
lood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue

Remember the 1st Three Letters....S.T.R.

If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.

Please read:

It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *
Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *
Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(I.e. It is sunny out today)

R *
Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other
, that is also an indication of a stroke.

Thank you for the timely reminder, Irish. I will be passing this information onto friends and family.

I just found out yesterday, my 38 yo female cousin suffered a stroke, due to stress. This is a girl who runs a marathon or two a year, eats healthy, doesn't smoke or drink, but is married to a piece of work, and she doesn't believe in divorce. Fortunately it looks like she will recover with no long-term effects.

Thanks for posting this Irish!
Lucky for me I had my stroke while standing right outside the trauma room at work. Talk about being at the right place at the right time for once.
Thanks for posting this Irish!
Lucky for me I had my stroke while standing right outside the trauma room at work. Talk about being at the right place at the right time for once.
Holy cow! I didn't realize you had had a stroke. I'm glad you're okay now.
Holy cow! I didn't realize you had had a stroke. I'm glad you're okay now.
Yeah..I had one at age 33. I have a clotting disorder that up until then I was totally unaware of. I was EXTREMELY fortunate to be in the hospital at the time working with some very alert and talented resident doctors. We were at the scrub sinks generally goofing off prior to surgery when this happened. Those guys literally saved my ass.
Of course they taunted the hell out of me during my rehab..but I had it coming. :D
Yeah..well perhaps I am overly sensitive on this issue but 9 months of rehab to regain the use of my entire right side of my body( I am right handed) and my speech function and total independence is not a fun topic for me. If I had not had immediate intervention, life would have turned out very different for me. :2c:
Yeah..well perhaps I am overly sensitive on this issue but 9 months of rehab to regain the use of my entire right side of my body( I am right handed) and my speech function and total independence is not a fun topic for me. If I had not had immediate intervention, life would have turned out very different for me. :2c:

You're right, I'm sorry. :(

Again, I've very glad everything worked out for you.
the other pneumonic we were taught is FAST. Face (equal smiles, tongue mobility) Arms (even raises and squeezes) Speaking (repeating sentences) and Time (as in how long its been and you dont have much of it).

Good post Irish.
Hey, Chopper, all bs aside.....if I was outta line, I apologize.

But ya gotta was funny ;)
I had a minor one about 17 years ago... Didn't know I was that stressed out back then, and the smoking and boozing caught up with me...
Been okay since then but it does make you pay attention!
the other pneumonic we were taught is FAST. Face (equal smiles, tongue mobility) Arms (even raises and squeezes) Speaking (repeating sentences) and Time (as in how long its been and you dont have much of it).

Good post Irish.

Good catch. I was going to say that one also. Chop, hope all is o.k. with you.


P.S.: Not all strokes present with the classic F.A.S.T. There are 5 stroke syndromes, to include: Lt. side, Rt. side, Brainstem, Cerebellar and Hemmorage (sub-aracnoid and intra-cererbal). For a reminder: Rt. side brain controls the Lt. body and Lt. brain controls the Rt. side body. For the most part will you see the typical stroke s/sx. with the Rt. and Lt. side. Brainstem shows weird s/sx. including the typical and not so typical. Ceberbellar shows like a drunk walking with a wide stance because the cerbellum controlls balance and the hemmorages show unconsciusness. Whats this mean. If in doubt, call 911 and let a C.T. Scan rule it in or out. Another thing, migraines and headaches can prodouce s/sx. consistent with stroke and NOT be a stroke.........................:2c: Be safe all.

Good points in your PS there FM. I had complete paralysis of the right side of my body and the the area of injury was on my left brain. And yes I am 11 years out from my stroke and I am doing fine..thanks to quick intervention and great treatment. I still had around 9 months of rehab following the stroke and it was about 13 months post stroke that I was able to get back to work and normal activities. I do on occasion have some problems with a little right foot drag..and I have 2 areas on my lower right leg where I still have no feeling but Im used to it and the only time I notice it is when I cut myself shaving my leg..dont feel it..and wonder where all the blood is coming from LOL.
The topic of living on blood thinners is another topic for another thread..anyone that has been on them will know exactly what Im talking about.:rolleyes:
Thanks for your concern and post FM!;)
Good points in your PS there FM. I had complete paralysis of the right side of my body and the the area of injury was on my left brain. And yes I am 11 years out from my stroke and I am doing fine..thanks to quick intervention and great treatment. I still had around 9 months of rehab following the stroke and it was about 13 months post stroke that I was able to get back to work and normal activities. I do on occasion have some problems with a little right foot drag..and I have 2 areas on my lower right leg where I still have no feeling but Im used to it and the only time I notice it is when I cut myself shaving my leg..dont feel it..and wonder where all the blood is coming from LOL.
The topic of living on blood thinners is another topic for another thread..anyone that has been on them will know exactly what Im talking about.:rolleyes:
Thanks for your concern and post FM!;)

I am glad everything is o.k. I don;t shave my legs but knowing that somebody is on blood thinners scares me when it comes to trauma, especially head trauma. Not a problem Chop. You still owe me Primanti Bros. sandwich.

I am glad everything is o.k. I don;t shave my legs but knowing that somebody is on blood thinners scares me when it comes to trauma, especially head trauma. Not a problem Chop. You still owe me Primanti Bros. sandwich.

LMAO...I will watch you eat it..I cant have the shit they call cole slaw on it due to the cabbage..but it tastes like crap..Im warning you!
The topic of living on blood thinners is another topic for another thread..anyone that has been on them will know exactly what Im talking

I was on them for six weeks following each knee replacement; I can't imagine being on them forever. :p
I had to have my blood checked twice a week, you don't have to do it that often, I hope.
LMAO...I will watch you eat it..I cant have the shit they call cole slaw on it due to the cabbage..but it tastes like crap..Im warning you!

LMAO! The T.V. made it seam like it was the best thing since sliced white bread.:doh: Oh well. I will still get you a good cheesesteak. Oh, sorry for the lesson when I replied. I tend to get involved in medicine and I teach alot so it comes second nature now.
