Info Every one should Know about STROKES

I was on them for six weeks following each knee replacement; I can't imagine being on them forever. :p
I had to have my blood checked twice a week, you don't have to do it that often, I hope.

I could never get regulated on them..tried for a long time..and yes blood work 2 times a week. Im now on aspirin only and get labs to check my anticardiophospholipid antibodies on a regular basis. If they get wacky..I go back on coumadin..and its always a big mess. :rolleyes:
I could never get regulated on them..tried for a long time..and yes blood work 2 times a week. Im now on aspirin only and get labs to check my anticardiophospholipid antibodies on a regular basis. If they get wacky..I go back on coumadin..and its always a big mess. :rolleyes:

Why not Plavix? I was on that after my heart attack last year...I had zero problems with it, no dietary restrictions and actually my cardiologist just took me off, said I no longer needed to be on it. I still do an aspirin a day.
Why not Plavix? I was on that after my heart attack last year...I had zero problems with it, no dietary restrictions and actually my cardiologist just took me off, said I no longer needed to be on it. I still do an aspirin a day.
My doc has his reasons and I listen to him religiously.
My grandmother had a series of strokes in her early 80's (which happened to be in the mid-1980's) I was in the service at the time and when she died I could not get leave due to being in the SF Medical course. Strokes are nothing to laugh about. You would probably be surprised by the number of "healthy" people that have had TIAs and don't even know it.

Chop - keep on plugging girl, you may be a wannabe female midget ninja with a bad attitude, but you never let that get you down. I may mess with you - but I do have a modicum of respect for you, moreso now. I'll still mess with you about being short, and having knees a 90 y/o wouldn't envy.:P
A Guy in the Military I know(42-43 yrs old) had one while on Base about 7 weeks ago..He was lucky as a Medic just happened to be present when he had it and the medic knew what was happening..

I saw him a few weeks ago and although he now has difficulty remembering basic things, his prognoses is very good. He has full mobility even now..
Hey sorry guys, I have been out of comms for a while in remote area, just logged on and read this latest discussion about STROKES.......yea remember time = brain cells when it comes to speed of treatment.

Also very interesting about the value of the tongue in the diagnosis. I am also qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In TCM a Stroke is caused by INTERNAL WIND [and not the kind that causes a good fart!!], one of the diagnosing factors in TCM for WIND-STROKE is a deviated or crooked tongue. Funny that this stuff was recorded 5000 yrs ago and we are now re leaning to make the wheel again eh? I have been using tongue diagnosis on my patients for years now............I think it had about 100% success rate diagnosing STROKES.
Hey sorry guys, I have been out of comms for a while in remote area, just logged on and read this latest discussion about STROKES.......yea remember time = brain cells when it comes to speed of treatment.

Also very interesting about the value of the tongue in the diagnosis. I am also qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In TCM a Stroke is caused by INTERNAL WIND [and not the kind that causes a good fart!!], one of the diagnosing factors in TCM for WIND-STROKE is a deviated or crooked tongue. Funny that this stuff was recorded 5000 yrs ago and we are now re leaning to make the wheel again eh? I have been using tongue diagnosis on my patients for years now............I think it had about 100% success rate diagnosing STROKES.

Thats cool. I have been using the tongus thing for years. I recentlly took a class "Advanced Stroke Life Support" and the tongue thing was disproven but I still use it. Kind of hard to break habits.
