Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Same person.

Do I understand the timeline correctly, that she was employed by CNN, leaked the CNN debate questions to the Clinton campaign, and a few months later was appointed chair of the DNC? Seems pretty shady to me. She stood to gain A LOT, as in a cabinet-level position, if Secretary Clinton won the election. Now she's trying to point the finger back at the Clinton campaign, when it seems that she was just as complicit as anyone else.
Same person.

Do I understand the timeline correctly, that she was employed by CNN, leaked the CNN debate questions to the Clinton campaign, and a few months later was appointed chair of the DNC? Seems pretty shady to me. She stood to gain A LOT, as in a cabinet-level position, if Secretary Clinton won the election. Now she's trying to point the finger back at the Clinton campaign, when it seems that she was just as complicit as anyone else.

I think that's the gist of it.
Same person.

Do I understand the timeline correctly, that she was employed by CNN, leaked the CNN debate questions to the Clinton campaign, and a few months later was appointed chair of the DNC? Seems pretty shady to me. She stood to gain A LOT, as in a cabinet-level position, if Secretary Clinton won the election. Now she's trying to point the finger back at the Clinton campaign, when it seems that she was just as complicit as anyone else.

In a nutshell, self preservation has always been the strongest instinct with these types rather than just stand up and accept responsibility for their actions.