Inside the Special Forces Military Free Fall School


SOF Support
Oct 14, 2008
Coffee or Die made a great video on MFF school.

Derick is a total beast and it's unfortunate he's retiring soon. Military is going to lose a really good soldier

The Military Free Fall School encompasses four distinct courses: the Basic Parachutist's Course, the Jumpmaster Course, the Advanced Tactical Infiltration Course (ATIC), and the Instructor Course. In this episode, Marty takes a first-hand look at all four courses, and how they each play a part in creating warfighters who are capable of inserting into any location on earth via military free fall techniques.

Some of these guys are talking about this being their 'first or second' jump. Do they mean free-falling? I thought 'everyone' would have to go thru static jumping first?

To add:
"The further you 'land out' the further you have to walk back here!" LOL

At 10:44 student is thinking, "hey mother f-er! That shit's not funny!"

At 11:00 it is amazing the tech. They can literally correct a freefaller technique from the ground.

At 15:40 holy crap! It's one thing to play the "panicked student" game in a pool....but free falling? Jesus.

At 19:50 was worth watching for this story alone.

Great video @Florida173 , thanks for posting!
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Some of these guys are talking about this being their 'first or second' jump. Do they mean free-falling? I thought 'everyone' would have to go thru static jumping first?

To add:
"The further you 'land out' the further you have to walk back here!" LOL

At 10:44 student is thinking, "hey mother f-er! That shit's not funny!"

At 11:00 it is amazing the tech. They can literally correct a freefaller technique from the ground.

At 15:40 holy crap! It's one thing to play the "panicked student" game in a pool....but free falling? Jesus.
Yeah they’re talking about Freefall jumps.
I'll finish it later, but it is neat to see them using the C-27 and the Instructors rocking Javelins. (I think I bought mine in 1998, a...TJN or TNJ model with lower articulated rings if I remember correctly. GREAT kit).
I finished watching the vid. Some of those openings were disgusting and the fact that they didn't end in reserve rides is a testament to the tech, jumpers, and riggers. "Look at that d-bag spin with the suspension lines, that has to be a high speed mal in his future."

Great video, very well done, Marty!

The instructors playing clueless students is something the USPA has done with the AFF JM course for decades. Little known fact: one of the earliest AFF Instructors and course directors for the USPA was Don Yahrling...a former SF MFF instructor. Don was a good dude, he and I had a few great conversations between Palatka and Flagler airport. I think the last time we spoke was over lunch in Flagler around 99 or so; he passed away from a heart attack some years later. Anyway, I'm sure the military has learned from the sport and the sport has learned from the military.

USPA D-20712
Did someone say disgusting openings..??

MFF school "Blooper Reel"

I remember getting super excited the day of our first jump at MFF. I was in lift 2 or 3 all rigged up and waiting to jump when the guys from the first lift came back from the DZ, i expected them to be super pumped, but they all looked distraught. A friend of mine says to me as he walks by "there was so much blood on the DZ, *name redacted* came in hard." Turns out one of the guys started freaking out at pull altitude and opened in a head down position, and ended up getting horse shoed in the lines on deployment. He also got pretty bad riser burn, hence the blood on the DZ. The instructor who jumped with him later said he was lucky to be alive.

The mood changed pretty quick, and it made for a pretty tense first jump for me. The instructors still did a great job of creating a relaxed environment, and we went on to have an awesome class.
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Not going to lie, the guy getting stuck on the ramp made me giggle a bit.

Glad you you ended up enjoying it @DZ
Did someone say disgusting openings..??

MFF school "Blooper Reel"

I remember getting super excited the day of our first jump at MFF. I was in lift 2 or 3 all rigged up and waiting to jump when the guys from the first lift came back from the DZ, i expected them to be super pumped, but they all looked distraught. A friend of mine says to me as he walks by "there was so much blood on the DZ, *name redacted* came in hard." Turns out one of the guys started freaking out at pull altitude and opened in a head down position, and ended up getting horse shoed in the lines on deployment. He also got pretty bad riser burn, hence the blood on the DZ. The instructor who jumped with him later said he was lucky to be alive.

The mood changed pretty quick, and it made for a pretty tense first jump for me. The instructors still did a great job of creating a relaxed environment, and we went on to have an awesome class.
Those were WILD