Intel Analyst Hiring Projections


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Not vouching for its accuracy, just thought it was interesting.

Despite growing emphasis in particular areas of national security intelligence such as
cyber intelligence, it is likely that overall hiring of entry level intelligence analysts
within the US Intelligence Community (IC) will decrease slightly from recent levels
over the next 12 months due to increased pressure to reduce the US budget. It is likely
that significant increases in cyber intelligence analyst positions and geospatial analyst
positions will somewhat offset the attrition of analyst positions in other areas, such as
political or military intelligence, needed to meet budget cuts. In addition, it is likely that
at least some of the projected losses due to retirement will be partially offset by entrylevel hiring. It is unlikely, however, that overall entry-level analyst hiring will increase
in any of the respective agencies of the US IC or in the contractors that support the US
I would say that assessment is off. Hiring is WAY down and very few folks are retiring due to TSP values being in the shitter.

"Hold what ya got."
So if you were going into computer security or a similar field, what kind of niche would anyone recommend?
I'm working on my Certificate in Computer Security and have a long background doing technical writing but these days tech-writing is more XML code and UI models.
Those things I'm learning on my own and using the skills in my job with the USCGAux.
Good way to get into the geospatial side of the community is to work on the masters program at Penn State. Some companies related to that type of the stuff in the IC will even offer education benefits for it also.
Good way to get into the geospatial side of the community is to work on the masters program at Penn State. Some companies related to that type of the stuff in the IC will even offer education benefits for it also.
Penn State? Dude. I have young kids.