Nothing says 'morale booster' like the time the CO surprised all the Joes by bringing out carrots, broccoli, and chicken breast out to the field.
Doesn't have the same ring as Domino's pizza.
"Regular BMs". Braggart. When you get old that's the second thing to go, right after quality sleep.
Hey man, Metamucil, keto, and a regular eating schedule full of green leafy veggies can get you there.
Almonds....1/2 cup to 1 cup a day. The magnesium Makes magic happen and it comes out silky smooth!!!!!!
It might, but right now I can't eat nuts. I have trismus (think lockjaw), my mouth only opens about an inch. If it isn't liquid or soft, I ain't getting it in my pie hole.
Hey man, Metamucil, keto, and a regular eating schedule full of green leafy veggies can get you there.
Fasting is done by poor people and they aren’t very healthy.
I just had a hip joint replacement. The anesthesia and post op oxy blocked me up. They were giving me stool softeners. I had hard labor to deliver a concrete block.
I said, look guys, forget the stool softener and fiber pills. Just give me some freakin Metamucil. I take it at home, it works.
One glass.
Next morning, a perfectly cylindrical, flawlessly smooth, coffee brown advanced capability Mark 48 torpedo slipped effortlessly and stealthily into the depths of the James A. Haley VA hospital’s sanitary drainage network.
Love the smell of victory in the morning.
I've got questions about this buddy (or anyone else) I haven't pooped in 3-4 days, I'm on travel. There's a port a john, so not ideal- but It's fine.Almonds....1/2 cup to 1 cup a day. The magnesium Makes magic happen and it comes out silky smooth!!!!!!