So I'm new around these parts and have been looking through a ton of threads, some new some old. This is a bit dated but I feel that I should comment having had some experience in this. First off, let me say this, I started in CrossFit in the winter of 2007, my first WOD was Helen, through crossfit i was intro'ed into the Paleo Diet, the Zone Diet and IF. I have attended about 6 of their trainer courses including the Nutrition cert and 3x Level 1 Cert. Now, that being said...on to IF.
As far as I've read, been told by some of the...(we will call them SME's) in the Paleo world, Robb Wolf for one...Martin Bergkamp is another...your initial dieting or eating regimen needs to be on point for several weeks to months before even beginning the IF protocol. I've read that beginning IF when your eating is already subpar can screw you up hormonally (i.e. throw off glucose and insulin..which is no bueno). Now this is obviously, as far as I know, anecdotal and not inclusive of austere situations that one would not be able to eat for several hours to several days. I have done IF myself and usually its a an evening, through sleep, wake up and workout fasted type fast with 10g of BCAA's about 10-15 minutes before the workout. I've been able to do up to 18 hrs and I felt okay doing that, I just drank a ton of water. Those are my .02 take it or leave, just wanted to add to this discussion.
- nick