Intro: Pipehitting Hairy Ass Frog Man

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I have to ask.... what kind of pipe do you hit? Crack or man? :doh:
...and why are you broadcasting anything about your ass? ewww. :bleh:
You started it, this really makes me wonder about you Navy guys... (Hey, where's SexyBeast? Maybe he can 'splain things, he was Navy).:uhh:

Welcome aboard. Oh, do you do any good SEAL tricks, like play a horn or do back flips? (kidding....):evil:
SF MED you are a clown Obviously you wouldnt know what the term pipehitter fucking means, cause you arent and never will be one. Good luck to you and your pathetic army life
Sandfrog, relax… Everyone is just joking with you, no need to get all “Wounded Knee”.

Also there is a vetting process here; two of the dudes who are joking with you are vetted long tab’ers. Before getting into who is who and what is what, get vetted so everyone knows you are who you say you are.

Again welcome to Shadow Spear.
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