Intro to ME!

Cory Schwandt

May 25, 2012
Pensacola Florida, Norfolk Virginia
Hey guys, My name is Cory Schwandt. I am 22 Years of age, I am from New Braunfels Texas, and I am currently in the Navy.
I am an avid swimmer, Workout fiend, Cook, and athlete.
Oh, and I love guns...Surprise
I originally joined the Navy to be an SO(SEAL Operator) but during Pre-BUDS Dive MO PT, I had bad knee pains and that mixed with family issues I had dropped from the course(it was the worst choice I've ever made) I do regret it. Now I am an Airman Undesignated going to the USS Eisenhower. I am now trying to get in to the EOD Program because I know that Special Operations is where I am meant to be. I love High Speed High Stress and Low Drag. I love challenges and situations that really test your persona. I am also looking into the Navy's STA-21 Program(EOD) I am looking for advice on all of this; I am very cherry to this but I am willing to do ANYTHING if told the correct advice; there's no limit to what I will do to reach my goal! Hope to meet a great mentor, and friends to share all this experiences with; this kind of community is exactly what I am looking for.

Thank you so much.
You realize you contradict yourself in your intro, correct?
What class were you originally supposed to be a part of when you were in Pre BUD/S?
What other options did you have (rate wise) when you spoke to the classifier after dropping?
You realize you contradict yourself in your intro, correct?
What class were you originally supposed to be a part of when you were in Pre BUD/S?
What other options did you have (rate wise) when you spoke to the classifier after dropping?

Hopefully that was sufficient enough; thank you for welcoming me. I hope to hear from alot of you guys and get me pointed in the right direction...

I was going to be class 296; and I had storekeeping, and yeoman, and undes airman to chose from(not exactly my choices when I scored a 80 on my ASVAB) I felt like shit. But "It's the needs of the NAVY!"

I was told to take undes because it is usually overmanned. And I want to get back into a special program; that is my ultimate goal in life. Maybe I made a stupid choice? I mean I have talked to my Senior Chief here at NATTC and a few Warrant Officers and they are willing to give me a recommendation next week on my STA package if I prove myself. I mean it's all a "Maybe" but it is nice to have some sort of hope that me as lower enlisted can win over upper command especially at that caliber.I have to present a statement to them as to why I stand out and what motivated me to decide this path. I know one EOD Chief down in Panama CIty at the Dive School I spoke to over the phone briefly and just told me to get ready for my brain to hurt; more so than my body. I am up for the Challenge though.
Hopefully that was sufficient enough; thank you for welcoming me. I hope to hear from alot of you guys and get me pointed in the right direction...

I was going to be class 296; and I had storekeeping, and yeoman, and undes airman to chose from(not exactly my choices when I scored a 80 on my ASVAB) I felt like shit. But "It's the needs of the NAVY!"

What's with the all caps blowing yourself over doing a simple task? Also, it may seem insignificant, but you are not a BUD/S dud. BUD/S duds are dudes that have at least been to Coronado and completed part of BUD/S. You never made it past Great Lakes.
I had bad knee pains
It doesnt mean I am weaker than another candidate!
These are contradictory statements. Sure, there are fluke injuries, but 90% of the guys who get hurt in training weren't ready to be there- aka, weak. There's nothing wrong with saying, "I wasn't ready for what I got into." That at least gives you a starting point for a path to success. Saying you weren't weaker sets you up for the same fate you already suffered.
A little late to the party (as usual), but welcome.

I'm former Army EOD, btw. The Chief you talked to is right, it's like trying to drink water from a fire hose with all you have to learn.