Hello Gentlemen,
I am one of the "Old Guys". I joined what was then, Co. E 20th SFG(A) in Jackson Mississippi.
It was a fairly new unit of the Mississippi National Guard. I went in a civilian in Oct. 1965. BCT at Ft Polk, LA; AIT-Combat Engineer "Pioneer" at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 12B4P; Jump School at Ft. Benning, GA; Special Forces Training Group, Ft. Bragg, NC 05B4S. Finished and returned to what was then Co. B 20th SFG(A) in Jackson, Miss. I took over as the only "School Trained" Commo man in the unit. I was one of the 1st dozen enlisted men in the Co at the time and was assigned to the "C" Det. Later I went to a ODB in Commo, and helped out in Demo/Engineer; I then took over an ODA as Team Sgt. until I left the unit. We didn't go into combat unless you count the riots during the "Long Hot Summers" in the late 60's. We worked several call-ups for various emergencies in the state. Our Unit and a Military Police Unit were always the first 2 called up. (Us first because we were so widely dispersed) If I had it to do again I would change only a few of my reactions, not the direction I took.
SFC William Turner (Ret.)
I am one of the "Old Guys". I joined what was then, Co. E 20th SFG(A) in Jackson Mississippi.
It was a fairly new unit of the Mississippi National Guard. I went in a civilian in Oct. 1965. BCT at Ft Polk, LA; AIT-Combat Engineer "Pioneer" at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 12B4P; Jump School at Ft. Benning, GA; Special Forces Training Group, Ft. Bragg, NC 05B4S. Finished and returned to what was then Co. B 20th SFG(A) in Jackson, Miss. I took over as the only "School Trained" Commo man in the unit. I was one of the 1st dozen enlisted men in the Co at the time and was assigned to the "C" Det. Later I went to a ODB in Commo, and helped out in Demo/Engineer; I then took over an ODA as Team Sgt. until I left the unit. We didn't go into combat unless you count the riots during the "Long Hot Summers" in the late 60's. We worked several call-ups for various emergencies in the state. Our Unit and a Military Police Unit were always the first 2 called up. (Us first because we were so widely dispersed) If I had it to do again I would change only a few of my reactions, not the direction I took.
SFC William Turner (Ret.)