
Red Ruckit

Aug 24, 2015
Hello there,
I'm an early 20's male that wanted to join the military out of high school but was a thousand pounds overweight.

I spent a few years in college realizing I wasn't going anywhere I wanted my life to be so I decided to start stepping towards realizing an SOF dream.

I went through an LEO program and that was a wake-up call that I wanted/needed more training and structure than that academy offered.

Thanks for having me here :)
Welcome to SS. There are several SOF pipelines to look at. Read through the threads of the SOF line that looks like the one you want to go for. Once you've zeroed in on SOF program you want, head to the mentorship for more specifics. There is plenty here, so take some time to read, read and read some more. We'll help you along the way, but don't expect to be spoon fed.
I'll be lurking.

Would it be uncouth to get in touch with one of the undecided mentors to get a relevant and accurate picture of what different pipelines have to offer?