

Marine Vet
Verified Military
Mar 15, 2017
Good evening gents, glad to see there is a place where vets and interested civilians can obtain vital insight and guidance towards the SpecOps life. Looking forward to finding a plan for me to become a part, and becoming beyond ready. I don't have a problem being humbled, and am excited to learn from firsthand experience. Served from 2009-2014, as an 0311 and 8152 in the Marine Corps. Last rank was Corporal, 3 deployments. Honorably discharged, and didnt reenlist so I could be there when my daughter was born. 2 and a half years later I am finding myself longing to pursue what I was on track for. Thanks for the add!
Welcome Marine, best of success to you here and in your future goals and objectives!
Welcome Marine, best of success to you here and in your future goals and objectives!
I saw Hanna for the first time a week ago about...and racked my brain for where I had seen the words she said, needless to say your quote is where it was and I was dying laughing