

Jan 6, 2011
I'm just a young civilian interested in SOF and the military in general. I want to fullfill my dream of becoming a Delta operator and the more information and help the better the better.
I was wondering if someone was going to jump on that! Well done, LL.
And nice new avatar, by the way! ;)

Welcome Hanzo.
Hanzo - a word of advice. Or two.

Lose the word 'operator' from your mind. You've been playing too many video games.

I'm curious - if Delta is your goal, what are your intermediate steps? Specifically whats your 5m target? In other words, what's the first baby step you plan to make to reach your goal. IRL - not on your video games.

While you're wrapping your brain around everything I've posted, go do PT until I'm tired.

Hanzo - a word of advice. Or two.

Lose the word 'operator' from your mind. You've been playing too many video games.

I'm curious - if Delta is your goal, what are your intermediate steps? Specifically whats your 5m target? In other words, what's the first baby step you plan to make to reach your goal. IRL - not on your video games.

While you're wrapping your brain around everything I've posted, go do PT until I'm tired.


Well said LL. and Hanzo welcome aboard, there is a vast abundance of knowlage you can gain here from people who are the REAL DEAL. I suggest you read and take in what advice you get here. Most of us have been there and done that more than we care to say. I hope you find what you are looking for here.
Hanzo - a word of advice. Or two.

Lose the word 'operator' from your mind. You've been playing too many video games.

I'm curious - if Delta is your goal, what are your intermediate steps? Specifically whats your 5m target? In other words, what's the first baby step you plan to make to reach your goal. IRL - not on your video games.

While you're wrapping your brain around everything I've posted, go do PT until I'm tired.


Thanks for that link.
But really I’ve received my fair share of criticism about “playing to many video games” or “just being some wannabe” I seem to be told it every time I try to get some advice. However believe me when I say it’s what I want without a doubt. I’m only 15, which is where most of that criticism comes from and I realize at my age I can’t fully grasp what I would be getting into or what being a member of a SOF group is really about.
I never got the idea from a video game granted I do play them yes, however I know it’s all bullshit, I know it’s not going to be like in a game especially one like Call of Duty. I just thought about military in middle school for a career because I’m a person who plans for the future as young as I was and still am. I always want to strive to be the best I can be and Delta Force seemed to fit by the descriptions I heard about the community, a very well rounded individual that wants to challenge and push themselves, and succeeds no matter what.
Being that I’m so young the only things I do to prepare are taking Foreign language classes, working out until the breaking point and then some, harnessing quick thinking skills and ingenuity, working with multiple weapons and my shooting skills (not airsoft), being aware of international relations and politics. The real first thing that I must do is pass high school.
I’m here to gain as much advice as possible, I started this at such a young age because I know bottom line that being in Special Operations doesn't come easy and the early I prepare the better.
Thanks for the advice.
Welcome to the board.

It appears that you're going in the right direction. However make sure you're telling people what you think they want to hear. I'm not saying that you are at all...but it's a rarity to fine a 15 year old that is already that dedicated. Just make sure you're living up to yourself. There is plenty of advice to be gained here from excellent people with all different types of backgrounds. Good luck on your endeavors.
"The real first thing that I must do is pass high school."
That answer your question or do I need to try again?

Wrong. Oh. So very wrong.

Your 5m target is to JUST BE A KID. You're 15 for crying out loud! Get in trouble, enjoy life, be a little rebellious. You think being picture perfect and doing everything right is gonna get ya what you're wanting, well, you're wrong. You have to experience life. Do things, fun things and sometimes dumb things. Go out and volunteer, get involved with life and the people around you. Especially people of a different socio-economic and cultural background.

Your 25m target is to graduate high school with honors. I say honors, because anyone with your command of English grammar better do no less. If you've got an IB program available, make sure you are in it AND graduating with honors. See if you can find a Great Books discussion group to get involved with - don't be intimidated by the adults in it, just do it.

Oh, are you still doing PT? Good. Cuz I'm not tired yet. Speaking of which, what kind of PT? If it ain't out in the mud/snow/rain/wet with a tire, tree, concrete block, lake/river and big hills, then it ain't PT.

You want any more advice, we can take it off this thread and onto Profile posts.

Hanzo - drop the attitude, listen to advice, STFU and quit dancing on your junk with sharpened track shoes.
The unit you profess to want to join only accepts the best of the best of the best of the military to even try out to get into training; they want maturity, intelligence, expertise and experience... plan on about 10 years in the military prior to thinking about even dropping a selection packet. The fail rate at selection is about 95%, and this is from the top 1% of all people in the military... which means statistically your chances of even making through selection for this unit is about .005% at enlistment, and will climb, if you are the best of the best of the best to a whopping 5%. You will need to be in a critical Combat MOS with secondary skills, preferably SOF (Ranger or SF or PJ or Marsoc or Recon or SEAL or LRS) and be in the top of everything you do. To try out... So your goals - HS, enlist, initial tour, SOF time, then drop a packet for your stated unit. Oh, btw, average age for those guys is about 30, most have some college and have the SF tab and Ranger Tab...

You've stated a wonderful goal. Focus on reality to get there. Quit plqaying video games and learn to use a real rifle, walk in the woods and city without being noticed and get into stellar shape while keeping your mind active.... for the next 10+ years, that should hold you.

Hanzo - drop the attitude, listen to advice, STFU and quit dancing on your junk with sharpened track shoes.

Wasn't planning on keeping it just did it once to see if people were VERY serouis on this site :), and I do listen to the advice thank you for it sir.