I thought that was one of the hottest jobs around at the moment.
You wont be abale to go 160th until you get your clearance as far as I know.
The process is easy to hand in your citizenship. I know a guy, he applied for a clearance, the army told him to write a note renouncing his other citizenship and to hand them his foreign passport to be destroyed. He had his clearance soon after.
rid the italian immediately... we havent a country now... italy is a dirty pigsty...the recruiter told me I cannot get a clearence since I have the dual citizenship....
rid the italian immediately... we havent a country now... italy is a dirty pigsty...
democracy in Italy is suspended ... but this is another history.. let's stay on focus!With HOT women!
Sad to hear you say that mate.
Nice update!Forgot to mention guys, I joined the military, got to my unit, deployed come back and got promoted...trying to go OCS or civil affairs now! stationed at Fort Lewis WA