Welcome mate! Australia is a fine land, the people are great and we greatly enjoyed our visit there when we trained in Townsville. Reminded me a lot of the USA. I remember being a bit surprised to find a Subway sandwich shop there since it's not a major city, and this was back in the mid-90's. The sandwich's tasted exactly the same as in the states.
I was the designated driver one evening driving a team van and we sure enough hit an Ozzy Police DUI checkpoint. They actually administered a field breathalyzer to me which of course I passed with flying colors . This was right outside the base, so they must have been hitting that area hard. I acquired a taste for Vegemite from the base mess hall. They have it on the tables like we have Ketchup.
Welcome to the site... sorry for kicking your shins yesterday... just didn't know who you were.
Since you are a PNG COP can you arrest the other southern hemispherians here when they talk so we can't figure out what they are saying? Please?
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