

Apr 25, 2014
DC Area
I am 20yo college engineering major with 2 years until I graduate. I have looked at many of the different programs and feel that enlisting with intent on Marine Recon or Navy SARC is the best thing for me. The only problem is having to decide on which one to try for which is why I am here.
Thanks all. Firemedic, I really have no idea. I like the idea of being able to save lives while participating in the high speed stuff, but I can only speculate about combat medicine. I have just never really been exposed to it.
Thanks all. Firemedic, I really have no idea. I like the idea of being able to save lives while participating in the high speed stuff, but I can only speculate about combat medicine. I have just never really been exposed to it.

Welcome. Believe me, the things that medics do whether they are 18D (#Troll, #SQUIDWARD), 68W, whatever branch of service or whatever civilian occupation (#FIREMEDIC, #POLICEMEDIC), is high speed stuff enough. Good luck on making your decision.
I forgot to say that I am currently considering other MOS/rates such as Navy EOD and Army SF. Its just that Recon and SARC are the top two right now. I would after some time gaining experience like to pursue a commission, but that is years away. For now my main objectives are to serve in the military and be in a challenging MOS/rate that will have me saving lives whether it be directly or indirectly(gathering intel, defusing bombs, preventing wars, etc).

If saving lives interests you, definitely think about being a SARC. Our SARCs train and operate with us at the team and platoon level. They do everything that we do (fun stuff: shoot, jump, dive; man stuff: ruck, patrol, ruck, and fin, fin, fin) AND then they have all of their medical responsibilities and training.

Ask any recondo you meet what he thinks about his SARCs and you will hear only praise.

I woud like to post an update to this intro. After much consideration, and much more research, I have determined my 25m target. My goal is to obtain an 18x contract upon graduation from college so that I will be given a chance to get selected at SFAS and reach my ultimate goals of joining the U.S. Army Special Forces and becoming an asset to the team, the mission, Army, and the U.S. I will use the remaining time in college to prepare myself physically and mentally for the great challenges that await me.
There is a thought-out plan with a goal.

Now all that you have to do is stick with it.

I wish you the best success during your journey.