

Apr 14, 2016
Hello everyone,

I am a 23 year old British-born civilian, and a Legal Permanent Resident of the U.S. Joining the military has been a dream of mine for the majority of my life that I've only begun to realize since my move state-side. My intention is to join the Marine Corps as an 03xx and, everything permitting, attend BRC.

I'd also like to say, providing it's not out of place in an intro thread, a huge thank you to the various members of this community for dedicating the time they do into their posts. While it is currently very early on for me in terms of any kind of military process or recruitment, the information I've read from members like Teufel, The Hate Ape, and many more have both inspired me and made me sincerely take a step back and consider what it is I really want.

Thank you.
Sounds like a solid choice to me. Welcome aboard!

Not sure if replies to my own intro thread are frowned upon, but if my path ever crosses yours, Teufel, I'd like to buy you a beer. Not that I'd know it was you. Crap, maybe I'll buy any Force Recon guy I meet one. That might get expensive.
There's a guy in the company that did pretty much the same thing you did. He's a very well-liked and motivated "chap".

Also reminds me of a story....

An old team sergeant was doing a school in the UK, and one of the instructors said to him, "Jimmy you realize you colonists have no history. We have walls in this country that go back further than yours does."

Jim's reply was this, "The only history that matters happened in 1776."

Welcome to SS