

Verified SOF
May 20, 2019
How goes it, gentlemen. Posting an introduction as per forum SOP.

Once upon a time, I used to lurk on these boards as a SOF hopeful. It doesn't feel like it's been seven years since then, yet somehow it has.

I came in as an 18X and was blessed ever since to eventually land at 1st SFG(A), marry an awesome gal, be surrounded by solid motherfuckers, and attend some sweet schools. Happy to say that I was able to put all that good stuff to use and finally give Uncle Sam some ROI via one hell of an AFG deployement last year.

As it stands, I'm freshly ETS'd and have just moved to the NJ/NY area in order to both try my hand at some new things and to afford the wifey the opportunity to pursue her dream career. Managed to somehow get myself admitted to Columbia University and will be starting there this coming Fall semester. While not nearly as sexy as raining GBU's down on target, I'm stoked to soon be challenging myself in a different way.

That's all I got. Thanks for having me; looking forward to joining the community here.