Is the relationship between Enlisted men and Officers different in Special Forces?

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Oct 26, 2018
I know that fraternization is strictly forbidden, but I feel like Special Operations Forces would maybe be closer in regards to Officer and Enlisted relationships. Not sure, so I came here. Is the relationship in Special Forces different than it is in, say, an infantry platoon?

Thanks for answering.
I applogize for being unspecific. I know that it seems like I’m getting ahead of myself, but I was just curious about this. I specifically meant relationship in terms of friendship. I know that enlisted and officers will never have anything outside of a professional work relationship, but I figured that Special Forces platoons might be closer to their CO leading the platoon due to the high stress situations they are regularly in.
Dude, you just got told to focus on the 5m target.

As for friendship, work is work and play is play, I remain friends with several officers that I served with over the years, to include a Maj General who was my former Btn Cdr. Any time you are in a smaller unit such as a Platoon or a smaller detachment, relationships naturally become tighter due to the living and working conditions.

Furthermore, an Operational Detachment A (ODA) team is manned by primarly senior and staff non commissioned officers. Their 'relationship' with their team commander will not be like that of a private and a platoon leader or company commander.

Now focus on your school work.
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Apologies for drifting way outside my lane, but I think the question is valid. Paging @Viper1 or @x SF med for the Group perspective.

FWIW, relationships between Marine NCO's and officers in my unit in combat were significantly relaxed. My team leader and my XO and I were on a first-name basis. Regardless, in both cases, the relationship was professional. There was never any degradation of authority, just a relaxation of formality.

I would assume that the bond in Special Forces is very close.
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Dude, you just got told to focus on the 5m target.

As for friendship, work is work and play is play, I remain friends with several officers that I served with over the years, to include a Maj General who was my former Btn Cdr. Any time you are in a smaller unit such as a Platoon or a smaller detachment, relationships naturally become tighter due to the living and working conditions.

Furthermore, an Operational Detachment A (ODA) team is manned by primarly senior and staff non commissioned officers. Their 'relationship' with their team commander will not be like that of a private and a platoon leader or company commander.

Now focus on your school work.
This question isn’t posed for my future potentially consisting of military service. This is literally just something that I was curious about.
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