John McCain 1936 - 2018


Verified Military
Nov 3, 2015
Durham, NC
Horrible Naval officer, worse politician, but he was convicted and we'll respected. Prayers for his family. That tumor is a tough way to go.

Some of the comments I've read today about him, from folks whom I generally enjoy reading, are well past disrespectful. I get that he probably should have switched to a Dem some years ago, and that many of my brethren consider him a traitor to the Republican Party, but is there anyone here who believes that he conspired with the enemy as a POW?

God knows I'm in no position to judge the man for what he may or may not have done as a POW, but I've never heard any of these "songbird" stories until it was announced that he was likely terminal.

Some of the comments I've read today about him, from folks whom I generally enjoy reading, are well past disrespectful. I get that he probably should have switched to a Dem some years ago, and that many of my brethren consider him a traitor to the Republican Party, but is there anyone here who believes that he conspired with the enemy as a POW?

God knows I'm in no position to judge the man for what he may or may not have done as a POW, but I've never heard any of these "songbird" stories until it was announced that he was likely terminal.

I didn't like the man, don't like his politics, don't like that his dad was the only reason he was an aviator. That said...he was convicted, and he served his country. He served by his convictions.
God knows I'm in no position to judge the man for what he may or may not have done as a POW, but I've never heard any of these "songbird" stories until it was announced that he was likely terminal.

As best I can find, the songbird stories started in 2008. It was started by a longtime political opponent of McCain's, who called him a "Manchurian candidate" and even was charged with assaulting one of McCain's aides back in '93.
Hillary was the Manchurian candidate. Period. That said, McCain had his faults, one of which was his treatment of his first wife.
I met him at the Phoenix airport once. I thanked him for his service, not his politics.
Rest in peace, Senator.
.he was convicted, and he served his country. He served by his convictions.

This, 100%. Regardless of how people personally felt about his politics, he never seemed slimy to me like some of the others. I still remember the crap he got for refusing to let a woman at a town hall meeting call Obama an Arab back when they both were running in '08.

Some of the comments I've read today about him, from folks whom I generally enjoy reading, are well past disrespectful. I get that he probably should have switched to a Dem some years ago, and that many of my brethren consider him a traitor to the Republican Party, but is there anyone here who believes that he conspired with the enemy as a POW?

God knows I'm in no position to judge the man for what he may or may not have done as a POW, but I've never heard any of these "songbird" stories until it was announced that he was likely terminal.

Easier to talk about someone when they're dead and gone, same thing happened with Margaret Thatcher. Most people don't possess the gumption to say what they truly feel about another person anymore.
Easier to talk about someone when they're dead and gone, same thing happened with Margaret Thatcher. Most people don't possess the gumption to say what they truly feel about another person anymore.

Sorry mate but they said all those things when Thatcher was still alive.
I'm not sure if I have ever voted for him, but I still respect his service. It was still an honor to have shook his hand during the memorial service at Fort Hood following the 2009 shooting. That memory I will hold for the rest of my life.

Some of the comments I've read today about him, from folks whom I generally enjoy reading, are well past disrespectful. I get that he probably should have switched to a Dem some years ago, and that many of my brethren consider him a traitor to the Republican Party, but is there anyone here who believes that he conspired with the enemy as a POW?

God knows I'm in no position to judge the man for what he may or may not have done as a POW, but I've never heard any of these "songbird" stories until it was announced that he was likely terminal.

Some of his fellow POW's started an anti-McCain page when he ran for President, and referred to him as songbird.

I didn't like the man, don't like his politics, don't like that his dad was the only reason he was an aviator. That said...he was convicted, and he served his country. He served by his convictions.
He was one of the few that wasn't convicted (still a crook in my book).

This, 100%. Regardless of how people personally felt about his politics, he never seemed slimy to me like some of the others. I still remember the crap he got for refusing to let a woman at a town hall meeting call Obama an Arab back when they both were running in '08.

Keating 5.

Codolences to his family as I know what losing parents is like. Good riddance to him.
Sorry mate but they said all those things when Thatcher was still alive.

Even then, few people outside of Dictators and the Despots have inspired such a resounding celebration of her death. Point still stands, people wait till the person in question is dead to unload all of their petty bullshit and hurt feelings.
I thought he was bad for this country. He was the epitome of the establishment. Glad that we can now move on without him. But, he was a son, a father, a husband, and a veteran. Respect to those who loved him.
I could care less about the naysayers or, to use the parlance of our times, “the haters.” The man was a rock. Anyone of note and any man of integrity spoke about his resilience in captivity. He is not my favorite American, or top 5, but he is an honorable mention. Behind Mattis and Powell I’ll always consider him the best POTUS who never was. I read his book in HS, and his story was part of the reason (along with Admiral Stockdale and Major Winters) that I am where I am today. You hate his politics- fine, just know you hate compromise and real progress. RIP Senator, Captain, and overall great American John McCain. You fought the good fight.