John McCain 1936 - 2018

Since it's been a few days from his passing, I will say that I find it laughable and sad, the number of politicians out there, along with a majority of the major news media, who demonized this man 10 years ago when he was a candidate, now worship him.
Ben Shapiro talked about this on his podcast and had an interesting take. Check it out, if you’d like.
US Code says half mast for two days, the Congress and DoD can extend hat if they want.
Did McCain put his hate for Trump on the back burner?
It’s just bad politics, that all. Which shouldn’t be a surprise- the president is a bad politician.

He should have been able to release a bland statement, follow protocol and just let it be. But he can’t- cause he’s a terrible politician. People are making more of it than what needs to be made, on both sides.
He should have been able to release a bland statement, follow protocol and just let it be. But he can’t- cause he’s a terrible politician. People are making more of it than what needs to be made, on both sides.

Agree with your opinion of what Trump should've done. But, I don't think Trump is bad at politics. Many of his constituents feel the same way about McCain as he does, therefor he's playing politics by snubbing McCain.
@Topkick isn’t that the whole schtick? He’s an outsider, not a politician, etc? Do you really think he is a good politician?

If he’s a good politician, and he flubbed this one badly, what are we left with? Unless you think the McCain kerfluffle was a good political move.

ETA- this is a thread derail- anyone that wants to talk about the president being a good/bad politician, head over to the appropriate thread, the Trump Administration thread. My B!
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If he’s a good politician, and he flubbed this one badly, what are we left with? Unless you think the McCain kerfluffle was a good political move.
Depends on the definition of good politics. Are we pleasing our base, or are we pleasing our colleagues? I doubt his base feels he flubbed the McCain ordeal. Personally, I don't like McCain so this doesn't affect my opinion of Trump. We know Trump plays only to his base. I will say, though, I would of had no problem with Trump handling the situation just as you mentioned earlier.
I have a lot of emotions about this whole ordeal. He was a human being that did a lot to earn and also to lose my respect. Many actions before I was born. His politics I have major issues with. Which is a bit uncouth in this state, but whatever.

McCain is receiving a State Funeral, did he earn that? Think non presidents to have received State Funerals.

Thaddeus Stevens, Unknown Soldier from WWI, Gen of the Armies Pershing, Two Unknown Soldiers from WWII, Unknown Soldier from Korea, General of the Army MacArthur.
US Code says half mast for two days, the Congress and DoD can extend hat if they want.
Did McCain put his hate for Trump on the back burner?

No...but Trump wasn't suffering from brain cancer or dead.

Look, bro, I'm not defending McCain's politics. If anything, I'm defending his service to his country, his sacrifice, which, IMHO, deserves some respect at the time of his death from the Commander-in-Chief, regardless of their past enmity.
Look, bro, I'm not defending McCain's politics. If anything, I'm defending his service to his country, his sacrifice, which, IMHO, deserves some respect at the time of his death from the Commander-in-Chief, regardless of their past enmity.


It's also a shame that there were those who took to the podium and it seemed they forgot it was a funeral and not a political rally.

It's also a shame that there were those who took to the podium and it seemed they forgot it was a funeral and not a political rally.
An interesting article about the swampfest that was supposed to be Senator McCain's memorial.
I personally thought many of the comments were better left unsaid during a time of mourning, reflection, and respect. To Trump supporters, actions like these just backfire and serve as a rallying cry for team Trump. The swamp dwellers just don't seem to get it.
John McCain’s Funeral Was the Biggest Resistance Meeting Yet
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