John McCain 1936 - 2018

Cancer sucks. My mother has stage 4 breast cancer, and it’s devastating. You know the end result but you don’t know when, and you don’t know how to grieve. It’s more than just knowing you will miss the person, you realize that it sucks for the person because they don’t want to die either. I feel for his family. He may be a politician to us, but he was family to someone else.
I wrote this on my FB wall:

My 12-year-old daughter and I met John McCain on August 30, 2004, at a fundraiser for Special Operations Warrior Foundation. I remember the date clearly because her father died in a military training accident on that day in 2001. Mr. McCain took her hand and with such kindness said, “I know what today is. I want to tell you how sorry I am and to thank you very much for the sacrifices you’ve made for your country.” She was crying a bit, he put his arm around her and said, "it gets better."

I told him how much respect I had for him and that if he ran for president, he had my vote. Even though he picked that idiot Palin in 2008, I kept my promise.

Whether or not you liked his politics, there’s no doubt that he was a fine human being. Rest In Peace, sir.
Re: his cancer, he had a glioblastoma. The world's expert on those is where I work, and I have seen several people die as a result of that tumor. It is ugly. I don't care if you have radiation and chemotherapy, it is an ugly way to die and would wish it on no one. and as hard as it is on the patient, it is equally if not harder on the family who have to watch it. I am very glad for their sake that he is at rest and at peace.
Re: his cancer, he had a glioblastoma. The world's expert on those is where I work, and I have seen several people die as a result of that tumor. It is ugly. I don't care if you have radiation and chemotherapy, it is an ugly way to die and would wish it on no one. and as hard as it is on the patient, it is equally if not harder on the family who have to watch it. I am very glad for their sake that he is at rest and at peace.

Just last week a local radio/TV 'celebrity' announced his wife has the very same cancer. Has to be a sobering reality check for them.
I was a McCain supporter until I opened my eyes to his politics. I'm not going to get into his service or time as a POW, By all accounts he went through hell before he broke. There is enough out there about it that anyone who wants to know can find out.

I think McCain enriched himself through political means. I think he stayed in office far too long and was disruptive to both the Military, the country and political discourse.

McCain's Non-Support for Troops and Veterans: The Master List | HuffPost

A look at the life and fortune of John McCain, who has a sprawling real estate portfolio and donated $1.7 million in book sales to charity

Try as He May, John McCain Can’t Shake Falsehoods About Ties to ISIS

Keating Five - Wikipedia

Just a few fun facts...

I won't call the man as traitor, but he damn sure is no hero of mine.

Goodbye John McCain.

Why the link to the false ISIS story? McCain never had any connection with ISIS...ever.

So he had money and real estate. So do a lot of people. So does Trump. He came from a wealthy and influential family, his father and grandfather were admirals.

John Glenn was also implicated in the Keating Five scandal and he's one of my childhood heroes...and both McCain and Glenn were cleared of any wrongdoing. Bad judgement? Probably. Who's never made a bad decision? I can't argue with his non-support of veterans if what you posted is true, and I didn't always agree with his politics, but it's easy to kick a man when he's down.

I'd say of all the slimy and stupid pieces of shit cunts involved in politics in this country, McCain was one of the exceptions.

Silver Star, Bronze Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart...countless civilian awards...and everybody, every fucking swinging dick who gets tortured will break. Everybody breaks eventually.

I may be a fool, but he's a fellow Vietnam vet, he bombed my enemy, he fought the guys who killed and maimed my brothers, who caused me a lifetime of pain, and as distant as he was from me and my life, he will always be a brother warrior.
Is this thread supposed to be a debate or just a respectful venue for the forum to wish fair winds to a dead man who served his country?

Because it shouldn’t be both.
Is this thread supposed to be a debate or just a respectful venue for the forum to wish fair winds to a dead man who served his country?

Because it shouldn’t be both.

Slight disagree. McCain was if nothing else a controversial figure for the Republican Party. If you look at the OP’s opening statement, he set the thread up to turn into a discussion and as long as everyone remains respectful, I think that’s okay.

Anyone on the staff want to overrule that, good by me. I just happen to be the first one to respond to your post.
Received this from his family today:

One of John's true honors in life was working to make our nation a safer and stronger place, and in doing so, being able to interact with people all over the country and the world.

Although our hearts are incredibly heavy, they are also filled with love and warmth. Please know we will forever be grateful for your friendship and support.

John would not want us to be sad. He would want us to continue his work of serving causes greater than our own self-interest. We hope you will go forward and do just that.

Over the next few days, we will hold memorial services and remembrances for John. You can learn more by clicking here. You can also share your remembrances of John on this website as well.

Thank you for being there for John, and for our entire family. We are truly appreciative.


The McCain Family
Why the link to the false ISIS story? McCain never had any connection with ISIS...ever.

So he had money and real estate. So do a lot of people. So does Trump. He came from a wealthy and influential family, his father and grandfather were admirals.

John Glenn was also implicated in the Keating Five scandal and he's one of my childhood heroes...and both McCain and Glenn were cleared of any wrongdoing. Bad judgement? Probably. Who's never made a bad decision? I can't argue with his non-support of veterans if what you posted is true, and I didn't always agree with his politics, but it's easy to kick a man when he's down.

I'd say of all the slimy and stupid pieces of shit cunts involved in politics in this country, McCain was one of the exceptions.

Silver Star, Bronze Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart...countless civilian awards...and everybody, every fucking swinging dick who gets tortured will break. Everybody breaks eventually.

I may be a fool, but he's a fellow Vietnam vet, he bombed my enemy, he fought the guys who killed and maimed my brothers, who caused me a lifetime of pain, and as distant as he was from me and my life, he will always be a brother warrior.

I get where you are coming from and respect your POV, I don't share it, but nonetheless respect it.

I didn't write those articles, I just linked them. It's been well proven that McCain had several meetings, even posing for pictures with ISIS commanders. If i remember correctly, he was involved in trying to arm the syrian rebels, who happened to be alined with ISIS, before it became ISIS. There are numerous things I could point out, regarding McCain's politics and voting that makes my skin crawl. When he ran for POTUS, there was a large amount of Vietnam veterans who came out against him. That was eye opening for me to say the least, at a time when I did support him.

I agree anyone will break, under extreme situations of torture, etc. There were also many who didn't, that's a bit of a moot point. I've watched countless videos of him chastising and cussing people in the Senate, in town halls, in off the cuff situations. His Character, specifically his record on veteran issues and his womanizing, and his quickness to push for war is mainly what I take issue with. However, as I said, i think he simply stayed too long and should have retired. But I will agree, there are far worse people in the halls of Congress and the Senate. And again I'm not saying he was a total piece of shit, just that I do not consider him a hero. Yet again, there are a few people I know with heroic awards, who are veterans, that I do not consider to be hero's either. But as they say, everyone has an opinion, and all that jazz.
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Your post.
Humility aside, don't discredit yourself by saying you're bias because of being BOG and experiencing what you did. If anything, it adds credence to the conditions and ultimate sacrifice those made during the war, both on the ground, or from the air. My generation can't speak to life in Vietnam, so we look to those who can to share their experience, not to tell us what to think, but to educate us so we can develop our own opinion.
Since it's been a few days from his passing, I will say that I find it laughable and sad, the number of politicians out there, along with a majority of the major news media, who demonized this man 10 years ago when he was a candidate, now worship him.
Since it's been a few days from his passing, I will say that I find it laughable and sad, the number of politicians out there, along with a majority of the major news media, who demonized this man 10 years ago when he was a candidate, now worship him.

This I completely agree with. It's been an astonishing liberal media love-fest. I think it's mainly due to the MSM's hatred of Trump and the knowledge that McCain and Trump were enemies.

And for the record, I think it was despicable for the POTUS to plan on keeping the White House flag at full mast. I mean, WTF? His hatred of McCain has been well known ever since his famous remark that he preferred pilots who don't get shot down...but jesus, have a fucking shred of class. Put the hate behind you at least until the dude is buried.

Isn't it enough the guy died a slow and painful death from fucking brain cancer??
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This I completely agree with. It's been an astonishing liberal media love-fest. I think it's mainly due to the MSM's hatred of Trump and the knowledge that McCain and Trump were enemies.

And for the record, I think it was despicable for the POTUS to plan on keeping the White House flag at full mast. I mean, WTF? His hatred of McCain has been well known ever since his famous remark that he preferred pilots who don't get shot down...but jesus, have a fucking shred of class. Put the hate behind you at least until the dude is buried.

Isn't it enough the guy died a slow and painful death from fucking brain cancer??
Pretty typical behavior from someone who prides themself on being a “mans man” but has never done anything to back it up, and then comes up against a real man who has earned his place at the table... I see it often with non-mil guys vs military guys in my generation.
then comes up against a real man who has earned his place at the table... I see it often with non-mil guys vs military guys in my generation.

I'm a supporter of Trumps policies, but I can get behind you on this. I've seen it a lot. In this case I think Trump wants ALL of the attention and harbors some jealousy towards McCain. Trump is the President ( obviously also a successful man )...McCain never was, so Trump should just let McCain have his day. However, I do not believe McCain was an innocent bystander in their ongoing feud.
This I completely agree with. It's been an astonishing liberal media love-fest. I think it's mainly due to the MSM's hatred of Trump and the knowledge that McCain and Trump were enemies.

And for the record, I think it was despicable for the POTUS to plan on keeping the White House flag at full mast. I mean, WTF? His hatred of McCain has been well known ever since his famous remark that he preferred pilots who don't get shot down...but jesus, have a fucking shred of class. Put the hate behind you at least until the dude is buried.

Isn't it enough the guy died a slow and painful death from fucking brain cancer??
US Code says half mast for two days, the Congress and DoD can extend hat if they want.
Did McCain put his hate for Trump on the back burner?