Jussie Smollett thread (most recent updates on Page 4)


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Gay black actor from hit show "Empire" says two white men attacked him in the early morning hours in downtown Chicago, putting a "noose" around his neck, pouring an "unknown chemical" on him (bleach?), and shouting "this is MAGA country!!" at him.

Except... there does not appear to be any evidence that any of that actually happened, and now the actor is not cooperating with police.

Jussie Smollett arrived home with rope around neck after attack: cops

Of course, that didn't stop the "OMG MUH RACISMZ!!" crowd from jumping all over it.
What Jussie Smollett Means to ‘Empire’ and America

Reading the reported details of the attack on “Empire” star Jussie Smollett is chilling on a few distinct levels, all of them painful. The violence of the story is troubling on its own. Add to it Smollett’s identity as a gay black man, and details that his attackers were reported to have shouted racist and homophobic slurs, and the pro-Trump “MAGA” slogan, and you have a heart-grippingly clear example of why so many members of protected classes have come to feel unsafe during a moment in which hatred and rage have come to so thoroughly dominate our national discourse.
Of course, that didn't stop the "OMG MUH RACISMZ!!" crowd from jumping all over it.

I don't quite think that's fair in this case. This wasn't a "smirking kid is totally racist" type situation where reporters were projecting what they assumed was racism.

This was a clear example of a (increasingly fake seeming) hate crime.
I don't think news orgs posting stories on the 29th (day of "incident") or 30th about racism are wrong; if they continue after evidence shows he faked it/exaggerated it, then screw those journalists/news orgs.


If it does come out that he faked it, what's the over/under on super lefty orgs trying to pass it off as a "social awareness" project?
Gay black actor from hit show "Empire" says two white men attacked him in the early morning hours in downtown Chicago, putting a "noose" around his neck, pouring an "unknown chemical" on him (bleach?), and shouting "this is MAGA country!!" at him.

Except... there does not appear to be any evidence that any of that actually happened, and now the actor is not cooperating with police.

Jussie Smollett arrived home with rope around neck after attack: cops

Of course, that didn't stop the "OMG MUH RACISMZ!!" crowd from jumping all over it.
What Jussie Smollett Means to ‘Empire’ and America

Why would someone walk home with a rope around their neck after getting their ass beat? More importantly, why would that person keep it on for 40 minutes after getting home?
I’m trying to figure out how anyone can go around Chicago talking about MAGA country without getting their asses beat. Im waiting on this to play out, but something doesn’t seem right.

Hoping justice prevails here, regardless of whose ox gets gored.
I could see it, because Chicago is one of those cities with a special breed of asshole.

I remember the first time I visited, a guy tried to start a fight with my friend Jay because the dude apparently "hates fags".

We were in Boystown when this happened.

Hard agree on the special breed of asshole. My friend Tom wouldn’t take me to Boystown because, in his words, being bi wasn’t gay enough to be there for some jerks, and he didn’t want me to get harassed as a result.

Nothing humanity does surprises me anymore. I was just going off of my personal experiences with Chicagoans of various stripes, as well as history and media exposure, when I said what I said.
I could see it, because Chicago is one of those cities with a special breed of asshole.

I remember the first time I visited, a guy tried to start a fight with my friend Jay because the dude apparently "hates fags".

We were in Boystown when this happened.

I have had the pleasure (misery?) of visiting just about every big city at some point, and I found the two with the biggest proportion of assholes to cool people were Chicago and Boston. Very cliquish town.

I won't cry if I never go back to or go through Chicago again.
Both 20th Century Fox and the writers of Empire have stated that nobody has ever discussed writing Jussie Smollett off of the show.
I'm not one to wear tinfoil hats, but in this case I have zero problem believing that studios will cover this up and do as they are told. Maybe I've seen Wag the Dog too many times, but I am becoming more and more inline with the idea that the 'first reports' we hear have some truth to them; the follow up is the media spin.
Regarding Jussie Smollett and his alleged attack....I'm sure any minute now someone will release pics of his clothing that are certainly covered with bleach splashes...any moment now....tic toc....Bueler? Bueler?

- oh -

- Update -


PICTURED: Two actor brothers detained over Jussie Smollett attack

The two Nigerian brothers being questioned over the Jussie Smollett attack are actors Abimbola 'Abel' and Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

The pair were picked up by police at Chicago O'Hare Airport on Wednesday as they arrived back in America after visiting family in Nigeria to be questioned over the January 29 attack involving the star.

On Friday afternoon, they were arrested on suspicion of battery but they have not been charged.

Police can now hold them for an additional 24 hours without charge if the prosecutor's office agrees, or must file charges by 5.45pm on Friday.

Family say they went to Africa on January 29, hours after the Smollett attack. Ola appeared on Empire in 2015 and both brothers have had minor roles on Chicago PD.

Smollett follows their joint Instagram account and, according to their lawyer, sometimes goes to the gym with them.
Regarding Jussie Smollett and his alleged attack....I'm sure any minute now someone will release pics of his clothing that are certainly covered with bleach splashes...any moment now....tic toc....Bueler? Bueler?

- oh -


Police sources: New evidence suggests Jussie Smollett orchestrated attack
Chicago (CNN)Two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the investigation told CNN that Chicago Police believe Jussie Smollett paid two men to orchestrate the assault.
The brothers, who were arrested Wednesday, were released without charges Friday after Chicago police cited the discovery of "new evidence." The sources told CNN that the two men are now cooperating fully with law enforcement.
Yeah, this stank of publicity stunt from the get-go. Anything to stir up trouble and get his mug on the news. And the Left ate it up because it fit so nicely into their agenda: racist, homophobic Trump supporters attack gay black man.
This whole thing. Just a shit show.

As if we need any more examples of slanted/biased news reporting or a general lean towards one side.
I always thought he was making it up. It was like a made-for-TV movie. Nothing about it made any sense. And the time, right before him going on the road with his singing tour, was way too convenient.

But I had no idea that he set up a conspiracy to stage it (if that's in fact what happened). I thought he did it all himself.
I always thought he was making it up. It was like a made-for-TV movie. Nothing about it made any sense. And the time, right before him going on the road with his singing tour, was way too convenient.

But I had no idea that he set up a conspiracy to stage it (if that's in fact what happened). I thought he did it all himself.
Who the fuck goes to Subway at 2am anyway? I would've been inclined to believe him if he had said Taco Bell or Jack in the Box.
I always thought he was making it up. It was like a made-for-TV movie. Nothing about it made any sense. And the time, right before him going on the road with his singing tour, was way too convenient.

But I had no idea that he set up a conspiracy to stage it (if that's in fact what happened). I thought he did it all himself.

Before this...attack?..he received white powdery substance in the mail.

Letter containing white powder sent to ‘Empire’ set days before Jussie Smollett attack

NAACP blamed Trump for the attempted lynching as did all the leading Democrat 2020 candidates.

NAACP | NAACP Statement on Racist and Homophobic Attack on Jussie Smollett

I agree with @amlove21 that consistent behavior over time demonstrates what’s in their heart and intent. The MSM, the mouthpiece of the Left, never misses an opportunity, real or imagined, to highlight “orange man bad”.

Does the Right do the same via “their” media? I seriously do not know. Other than Fox, what are the Right-winged news outlets that have similar market share?

Interesting that the issue with the GND, as we are told, is the payments to those unwilling to work. Never mind the notion that the government will determine which business is able to exist, who could own property (all high speed rail would travel over existing track???), housing price control, etc.

The Right hates the GDN because it would destroy capitalism and economic freedom. Gaslighting the “pouncing” by focusing a single sentence in a FAQ does change that.

We were lied to about Smolett job and we’re lied to about the outrage over the GND. The Left is now all in on socialism and the Right is all for Capitalism.
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