Hey guys, long story short, I left a lucrative career path with two advanced degrees to chase the career path where I believe my skills and passions most appropriately align, SOF. Then I sustained a serious injury before my LASIK was settled, which is before the recruiters would allow me to go to MEPS. The injury required surgery and active duty recruiters have been unwilling to attempt to obtain waivers for me for SOF, especially OCS on a SOF path. However, I am fully healed and the NG recruiter says he believes he can get me the waivers for REP-63 by the end of the year if I really put in the work. If that works out and I can do that I believe I will also be a “Most competitive” candidate for FBI as a full-time job and hopefully SWAT as well. If I cannot obtain the waiver, hopefully I can find another path to contribute to National Security and Counter-Terrorism whether it be solely FBI or elsewhere.
I’m really stoked I found this great resource. Thanks!
I’m really stoked I found this great resource. Thanks!