Justice Scalia Passes Away


Sister Mary Hellfire
Verified Military
Aug 21, 2008
SE of Disorder
Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia was found dead this weekend. He was 79. May he rest in peace.

I thought Ginsberg would go before Scalia. Looks like all the 5-4 decisions will no longer go the conservative way.
He's not even cold yet and they're already talking about replacing him. Watch the Democrats move swiftly on this in the coming weeks.

May he rest in peace.
He's not even cold yet and they're already talking about replacing him. Watch the Democrats move swiftly on this in the coming weeks.

May he rest in peace.

What are they supposed to do? He needs replacing. The democrats may only have 11 months.
Rest in Peace.
Will have to wait for details, though I was surprised at some of the people claiming it was a hit.
Sad state when both sides can accept the premise of the other side hiring a hit team.
Rest in Peace.
Will have to wait for details, though I was surprised at some of the people claiming it was a hit.
Sad state when both sides can accept the premise of the other side hiring a hit team.

I made a crack about "Was he hunting with Cheney" but someone arguing it was a hit? How disgusting can you be?
I made a crack about "Was he hunting with Cheney" but someone arguing it was a hit? How disgusting can you be?

Nobody can reasonably argue for or against, because there are zero facts known at this point. So I agree that it's disgusting to do so, however, as in everything, its foolish to accept the government's explanation without investigation or more so just basic questioning.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't put anything in the "no way not possible" category with either political party currently running our government.

That said Justice Scalia's passing is very untimely and unfortunate, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved one's.