Justice Scalia Passes Away

This is ridiculous. Just for fun, let's apply some "basic questioning" to the death of Justice Scalia:

-Does it make sense that an obese man died of a heart attack at nearly 80 years of age? Yes, it does.

-Does it make sense that said man, a serving Supreme Court justice with nearly 30 years on the bench, was killed by someone in government because reasons? No, it does not.

Hope this helps clarify things.
This is ridiculous. Just for fun, let's apply some "basic questioning" to the death of Justice Scalia:

-Does it make sense that an obese man died of a heart attack at nearly 80 years of age? Yes, it does.

-Does it make sense that said man, a serving Supreme Court justice with nearly 30 years on the bench, was killed by someone in government because reasons? No, it does not.

Hope this helps clarify things.

To clarify, I'm not saying he was killed. I am however, stating that we as the people should question it, have it investigated (as it will be) and not simply accept an official government explanation.

I don't think that what I am stating is irrational or ridicules, however, more so one's civic duty to question the government as firmly grounded in our founding as a nation.

My days of blinding accepting what the government tells me, or believing that this government is not corrupt or had a firm grounding of integrity, are far behind me.

Again, not saying he was killed, not insinuating that he was killed, just think it should be investigated fully.
I ask, "To what end?"
The family was satisfied with the official explanation; they knew about the late justice's health and requested that an autopsy not be performed.
Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara declared him dead of natural causes without personally seeing his body, but after consulting with law enforcement and his physician, who said that the justice suffered from a host of conditions.
Police on the scene even stated that there was no evidence of foul play.

Now, when you claim that you're not saying he was killed, but you also don't believe that government's explanation, even in the face of this pretty rock-solid evidence, what do you hope to gain from further investigation? To make double-super-plus sure that he wasn't murdered? If that is the case, then it seems to me that your real belief is that he was murdered.

This is starting to sound like one of those Glenn Beck "I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS" moments.
I ask, "To what end?"
The family was satisfied with the official explanation; they knew about the late justice's health and requested that an autopsy not be performed.
Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara declared him dead of natural causes without personally seeing his body, but after consulting with law enforcement and his physician, who said that the justice suffered from a host of conditions.
Police on the scene even stated that there was no evidence of foul play.

Now, when you claim that you're not saying he was killed, but you also don't believe that government's explanation, even in the face of this pretty rock-solid evidence, what do you hope to gain from further investigation? To make double-super-plus sure that he wasn't murdered? If that is the case, then it seems to me that your real belief is that he was murdered.

This is starting to sound like one of those Glenn Beck "I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS" moments.

Good lord dude, he was the senior Supreme Court Justice, a high profile member of our government, with great influences over the way our government makes laws and how they can be enforced. Why would you not want his death fully investigated, by an outside source that is fully without biased on the political influences of the situation? Why would you want any possible doubts floating around of possible foul play? Why wouldn't you want to positively squash any rumors or heckling about his death?

I didn't say that it is not happening, I didn't say whoever is doing that investigation is biased or incapable, I just simply said it should happen and that we as American citizens should question and require these simple fucking things that are only common goddamn place.

For fuck sake, you appear to want to make me out to be some fucking conspiracy loon, because I am stating the fucking obvious, that it should be fully investigated to ensure there is absolutely no doubt of any possible foul play.

To what end? To the same level any executive or legislative high level individuals death would be.

And stop fucking comparing me with the likes of Glen Beck or the jackasses that follow his twisted bullshit. Just because you may not agree with what I'm posting (which I really can't understand what the fuck your problem with it is?) doesn't give you a 'cleared hot' to insult me.
Gentlemen, settle down before I have to energetically encourage you to be a bit more civil.

Generally, when someone dies outside of a medical facility of something that isn't blatantly obvious (eg. gunshot to the face), an autopsy is performed. Yes, even if it's Jabba the Hutt's ancient uncle with COPD and crisco for blood. Not every municipality or state has a law that mandates such an action, though.

However, performing an autopsy would've been the prudent thing to do, just to take the legs out from under any and all conspiracy theorists. Justice Scalia may have had 95% blockages in all of his major coronary veins and arteries, and yet died of a brain aneurysm, for all we know. As a highly visible public figure, curiosity is going to be high With regards to cause of death. In the absence of any ordinance that would dictate an automatic autopsy, this is most likely done to simply respect the wishes for his family's privacy.
Generally, when someone dies outside of a medical facility of something that isn't blatantly obvious (eg. gunshot to the face), an autopsy is performed. Yes, even if it's Jabba the Hutt's ancient uncle with COPD and crisco for blood. Not every municipality or state has a law that mandates such an action, though.

It depends on the wishes of the family and time/resources/money. Everyone I know who has died has been buried/cremated without an autopsy and that's not a small number. If there is no reason to they don't do one, you have to get a judge to overrule the family's wishes. Every morgue I ever did an internship in was so overworked as is they don't go looking for more work. This includes my Mom, we saw no need and the police and courts agreed with us. We still have no idea exactly how/why she died but it doesn't matter.
Whole post

For the longest, it was a law here that autopsies were performed on deceased individuals that expired outside of a medical facility if they weren't highly advanced in age and had no prior known health problems. It may have changed recently, but I haven't heard. Families could ask that one not be performed, though.

Obviously, this differs from place to place, though.
For the longest, it was a law here that autopsies were performed on deceased individuals that expired outside of a medical facility if they weren't highly advanced in age and had no prior known health problems. It may have changed recently, but I haven't heard. Families could ask that one not be performed, though.

Obviously, this differs from place to place, though.
Not sure when it changed but this is the current law, same as every other place I've lived (and I'm in no way trying to argue, it's just a good thing to know just in case. I was the only one who had any clue in my Moms case and had to direct it from Alaska when she was in Michigan).

(a) After investigating a death, if the county medical examiner or the designated assistant is satisfied that the death was not caused by criminal act or omission and that there are no suspicious circumstances about the death, then the county medical examiner, or designated assistant, may execute a death certificate as required by law, and authorize release of the body for final disposition on a certificate as prescribed by the State Health Department.


As long as the ME says it's good, you can go right to Viking funeral in Alabama now.:p
Gentlemen, settle down before I have to energetically encourage you to be a bit more civil.

Generally, when someone dies outside of a medical facility of something that isn't blatantly obvious (eg. gunshot to the face), an autopsy is performed. Yes, even if it's Jabba the Hutt's ancient uncle with COPD and crisco for blood. Not every municipality or state has a law that mandates such an action, though.

However, performing an autopsy would've been the prudent thing to do, just to take the legs out from under any and all conspiracy theorists. Justice Scalia may have had 95% blockages in all of his major coronary veins and arteries, and yet died of a brain aneurysm, for all we know. As a highly visible public figure, curiosity is going to be high With regards to cause of death. In the absence of any ordinance that would dictate an automatic autopsy, this is most likely done to simply respect the wishes for his family's privacy.

My apologies, my reply was a bit inflammatory and obviously angry. I was irritated and replied, when I should've took a day and thought out my response vs my use of profanity and anger.

@Deathy McDeath, I apologize for the profanity I used in response. I will be careful to not let that happen again. I hope we're good bro... ;-)
President Obama will not be attending Justice Scalia's funeral
Obama to skip Scalia's funeral

The article notes that the President and First Lady will pay their respects at the Supreme Court while the late justice is in repose, but I think that this is one funeral he really should attend.
Whether the POTUS liked him or not personally...right, wrong, or indifferently...when a Supreme Court Justice dies...the POTUS SHOULD attend.

Some things should be done simply because it's the right thing to do, and this is one of those times.