Justice Scalia Passes Away

That was quick.

Updated: Sandoval not interested in potential Supreme Court nomination
“Earlier today, I notified the White House that I do not wish to be considered at this time for possible nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States," Sandoval said in a statement Thursday. "I have also spoken to Senators Reid, Heller and McConnell and expressed the same desire to them. The notion of being considered for a seat on the highest court in the land is beyond humbling and I am incredibly grateful to have been mentioned."
Based on that alone, I'd be happy to see him in the SCOTUS.

So you are a democrat.

This dude has the same views as me on literally every single issue except private school choice, I think funding public schools is part of your responsibility as an American. You shouldn't get any credits or money to send children to private school.
I refuse to identify with either of those parties. Neither one of them are what they claim any more because the lines have become so blurred.
So you are a democrat.

This dude has the same views as me on literally every single issue except private school choice, I think funding public schools is part of your responsibility as an American. You shouldn't get any credits or money to send children to private school.

In order for that to work, they need to change how schools are funded (property taxes). Affluent suburbs typically have better schools.
At this point Obama could announce vaginal intercourse is the one true intercourse and damn near every Republican in Congress would suck a dick just to prove him wrong.
It's only February and we already have the post of the year.
Garland voted to have Heller reheard en banc when the original three judge panel voted in favor of the individual vs. collective nature of the 2nd Amendment. I don't trust him on 2A issues at all.
Garland voted to have Heller reheard en banc when the original three judge panel voted in favor of the individual vs. collective nature of the 2nd Amendment. I don't trust him on 2A issues at all.
They just shoot the nomination down in committee, knowing full well that he will make a recess appointment with the most heinous liberal douchebag he can find.
Merrick Garland, chief justice for the US court of appeals on the DC ciruit, is President Obama's official nominee.
Meet Merrick Garland, Obama's Supreme Court nominee

He's apparently very old, and supposedly a moderate. The ball is in the Senate's court now.

If I were Mitch, I'd send a phone & pen to 1600 Pen Ave with wishes of good luck.

Maybe he shouldn't have been such a jerk to Congress but actually tried to work WITH them on issues.
Republicans need to convene right after the elections and shoot the nomination down, then vote down any recess appointments made by Obama, even if it means working through the holidays up to inauguration day.
Republicans need to convene right after the elections and shoot the nomination down, then vote down any recess appointments made by Obama, even if it means working through the holidays up to inauguration day.

Just imagine if The Court was the body that ultimately decided who the next justice would be (a recess appointment surely would be challenged as unconstitutional)!