Ways to hoist things:
Ladder: tie a bowline with a loop about 4' across. Run through 2nd down rung from the top of the ladder, slide loop over top of ladder. It'll effectively larks-head the entire ladder. Use free end with a half hitch on one of the feet of the ladder if you need more directional control when raising.
Long straight objects (like a firefighter's pike pole) Clove hitch with a stopper knot on the free end at the base. Half hitch around object's top end. If sharp or ungainly, put the odd/sharp end going up first.
If you use a ladder with a halyard, it's a good idea to tie the halyard off after you raise the ladder's fly. Take the halyard and tie a clove hitch around the center of a rung at about waist level, finish with a overhand or half hitch for a stopper knot. If the dog's on the ladder fail, this provides a measure of safety that should at least provide enough time to be able to get off the ladder before it collapses.