
Thats a cool and useful site.

I came away from 6 years service only knowing how to tie a reef knot! :rolleyes:

Not my strong point!
I get to work with ropes for about 6 weeks during the year as a rock Climbing Instructor.. But you can never get enough pratice.
If you guys are interested, the Ashley Book of Knots is the bible of knots.

Infact, if you come up with a knot that isnt in that book, you have just made a new knot.

If nothing else, its good read while your laying a deuce.

Ive been sailing for about 10 years, and I only really use 4 knots. Bowline, Figure 8, Round turn and two half hitches, and a sheet bend.
Occasionally ill through a truckers hitch in there to tie the boat down :D
If you can't tie a good knot tie a whole lot of bad ones! Thanks I am going to use this alot, I have 2 pieces of 550 cord practicing as I type!

You've been in what, 22+ years now? I hope you were kidding, but in the event you weren't, a little advice from a former "knot master" ahead of your time:

Anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time.

Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

And finally, a bad knot can get people killed.

Do yourself and others a favor: Learn correctly and tie them the same way always. Knot tying is a perishable skill. Practice often and good luck. :2c:
It took me a long time to get the bowline. Now I am the master! As was said perfect practice makes perfect!
Ways to hoist things:

Ladder: tie a bowline with a loop about 4' across. Run through 2nd down rung from the top of the ladder, slide loop over top of ladder. It'll effectively larks-head the entire ladder. Use free end with a half hitch on one of the feet of the ladder if you need more directional control when raising.

Long straight objects (like a firefighter's pike pole) Clove hitch with a stopper knot on the free end at the base. Half hitch around object's top end. If sharp or ungainly, put the odd/sharp end going up first.

If you use a ladder with a halyard, it's a good idea to tie the halyard off after you raise the ladder's fly. Take the halyard and tie a clove hitch around the center of a rung at about waist level, finish with a overhand or half hitch for a stopper knot. If the dog's on the ladder fail, this provides a measure of safety that should at least provide enough time to be able to get off the ladder before it collapses.