Let's not forget... Happy St Patrick's Day!

At the Capitol in Helena, MT, they make sure to acknowledge their Irish roots.

The decorated statue is of Brigidier General Thomas Francis Meagher, Irish Nationalist, convicted seditionist sent to Van Siemens Land, founder of the Irish Brigade and Montana territorial governor.

And because Montanans are unique, on the day they celebrate Meagher, they also veil the statue of his political nemesis and suspected killer.


LL - apparently I'm a little sideways today...:-x

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Already drank all the Guinness with the bois so Loney Bois is the only remaining option. #StPaddysInTheBs
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@LibraryLady , your grass looks weird. My lawn is already full of clovers!
Welcome to MT! First snow this season was late September, more scheduled for tonight. However. I will say, we got close to 65 degrees last week. Old Man Winter is a comedian, doncha know...

LL - Oops - forgot to add that important "degrees" lol
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Lurve the strategically place books... 8-);-)

Those are just there TBH... I’ve read one of them. I’m read for the impending quarantine. I read one book a year on average- that goes to 3 a month on deployment. Quarantine= OCONUS deployment lol