So what is your support of him based on? I'm not drinking the koolaid... Sorry, I disagree (NOT ESPOUSE OR CONCUR WITH, this is personal opinion based) with many of the tactics, techniques and methods instructed. My personal life experiences, training and mistakes draw me to conclusions. I know he's the coolest kid on the block and popular to, not my cup of tea. My apologizes nothing personal. I further understand in the private sector this about marketing, flash and image. Sales, marketing and profit are the bottom lines. All of us got to make a living. Hate train coming, I can feel it... In the Public professional sector we have to worry about litigation, improper use of force, "failure to train" and a whole host of other issues. We are held liable daily to this high standard by our municipalities and agencies. We are also held liable for adopting techniques as trainers and documented within our agencies standards. Which makes us personally responsible both criminally and civilly to evaluate all methods, tactics and techniques as well as testify to the same to our respective administration. As a policy writer and trainer I have Fiduciary duties, vicarious liability, direct attached responsibility and "expertise" in given skill-sets and knowledge of "industry standards". If a civilian or contractor overseas does something stupid they basically eat it. Of course with conditions. If a military person does something stupid they basically get a pass from civil liability generally. And more often than not the liability or career damage is mitigated. When I write a policy, SOP agreement, lesson plan or COI / MOI I buy it, all of it. Its mine all of it... My / our job is to be skeptics and filters.
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Text in red indicates redacted or additional text