Marine Andrew Tahmooressi Freed


Rest In Peace
Oct 19, 2006
A Mexican judge has ordered the immediate release of jailed US Marine Andrew Tahmooressi, a family spokesman told The Associated Press.

Tahmooressi, 26, who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan, has been held since March 31, when he said he mistakenly crossed into Mexico with three legally-purchased and registered guns in his truck.

A court-appointed psychiatrist confirmed that Tahmooress has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Thank you Mr president for your untiring efforts and total dedication to seeing this Marine finally released from captivity........:rolleyes:
Good news! Glad to hear he is finally being released and returning home.

However, it's aggravating to see how little attention he received from the MSM.

Got to keep up with the Kardashians and Honey Booboo -- yep, priorities....:mad:
REALLY happy to hear this. Really pissed off that it was left to Mexican "justice" to free him.
Bout fucking time.

I'm sure it is only a coincidence that he was released only days before a potentially disastrous democrat midterm election.

Fuckers. All of em.
If Sgt Tahmooressi had been connected to the cartels or maras he might've served, oh, 10 days house arrest in a luxury suite. Mexico...epic fail.
Good news! Glad to hear he is finally being released and returning home.

However, it's aggravating to see how little attention he received from the MSM.

Got to keep up with the Kardashians and Honey Booboo -- yep, priorities....:mad:

I think Fox was the only one to carry any mention of the event. For a while Fox ran it nearly every day at the tail end of their app served coverage. Good to see him released.
I think Fox was the only one to carry any mention of the event. For a while Fox ran it nearly every day at the tail end of their app served coverage. Good to see him released.

Yes are correct. The Blaze also kept a daily counter on their news site as well. Outside of those two, it was very seldom mentioned if not forgotten about. As to consistency in coverage, I would have to give it to The Blaze.
Call me indifferent, but I don't understand why we should have expected anything from any authority on the matter. The border to mexico is porous, however it's not like you don't know you're crossing into a foreign country at any given point. It being a "mistake" doesn't give leeway with regards to breaking the law, especially that of a sovereign foreign nation.

He got off easy, although not as easily as an individual I know who simply had his pistol confiscated by the mexican authorities upon return to the US (how the fuck that works, I don't know)
Call me indifferent, but I don't understand why we should have expected anything from any authority on the matter. The border to mexico is porous, however it's not like you don't know you're crossing into a foreign country at any given point. It being a "mistake" doesn't give leeway with regards to breaking the law, especially that of a sovereign foreign nation.

He got off easy, although not as easily as an individual I know who simply had his pistol confiscated by the mexican authorities upon return to the US (how the fuck that works, I don't know)

Hard agree there. As far as I was concerned he broke the law and they had every right to hold him.
To take it further... upon entry to Canada when I was moving from Alaska to the lower 48, I had 7 30 round M-4 magazines and 2 HK USP .45 12 round magazines confiscated from me. Canada luckily has provisions for relinquishing illegal property on entry (and I ain't getting it back) unlike Mexico. If I had been traveling with my firearms, I could have been further ramrodded with a minimum of fines and headache and a maximum of Canadian prison time.... granted, a canadian prison would most likely be equated to being confined to your room in the barracks with all the amenities inherent... but still, it's prison.

Absolutely no "feels" for this guy other than he had an intoxicated derp moment, considering at least by one report he was drunk when he crossed over.
Hard agree there. As far as I was concerned he broke the law and they had every right to hold him.

Yeah they did.

However, what's piss poor is this administrations double standard and their efforts in getting Bergdahl back, who by all accounts, deserted and was brought back in exchange for 5 former HVT's, compared to Tahmooressi who fucked up, made a mistake and no sense of urgency or action by ANYONE in this administration in order to secure his release.

Not to mention the mexican's government perspective regarding their citizens when they cross illegally and this situation.
Its my understanding that the border crossing that Tahmooressi went into, is very poorly signposted, and is easy to accidentally turn into. By the time you know you are heading to the crossing you are trapped and are funneled into the crossing with no way to turn around etc...
Sounded like an honest mistake that anyone could make.
He just got screwed by a corrupt, semi hostile country, and his own ball-less government.