Marines in Haiti last night

The beauty of this particular type of cuisine is the unbelievable versatility of the protein you are using...

A vegan could be a lot like high-end grain-fed beef. Lots of marbling because they don't move around much. You could slow roast some cuts over low heat, or sear other cuts over high heat much like you would prepare a strip steak.

Pescatarians probably take on a lot of the same flavors as mahi tuna or other deep-sea meat eaters. If you have a pescatarian from the far reaches of the American northeast, you may even notice a slight sweetness or hint of lobster when you steam your proteins.

I've heard that organ meats pair well with fava beans but that is bullshit - it's more of a Hollywood trope than an actual meal plan. I prefer it with a little olive oil, some balsamic vinegar, lots of thinly sliced Vidalia onions, bell peppers, portabella mushrooms, and as much crushed garlic as you can tolerate. The classic side dish for this entree - IMHO - is peas and carrots with mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy.
...but you do you folks - if you want to eat fava beans with your organ meats because it was mentioned in an early 90's psychological thriller - whatever

Bring your dietary preferences further south - and much like the omnivorous little piggies that produce the fork-shredded tenderness of a slow-roasted Boston butt many of us like - a redneck with a diet of Carolina style footlongs and Waffle House steak and eggs with hash browns that have been Scattered, Smothered, Covered, Chunked, Diced, Peppered, and Capped - might be well suited to very extended cook times over a fruity hardwood like apple, pecan, or maple wood.

Just keep in mind - if your harvest consumed a clean diet high in fruits, nuts, and farm-fresh vegetables - it's going to taste less gamey than something full of swamp grass, tobacco leaves, and ganja.
...keep that in mind when you are shopping for something to replace that packer brisket you planned on cooking during Labor Day weekend.

Regardless of your preferences, I would never recommend smoking your meat over pine or cedar because the high resin content can give your food an unpleasant flavor. Last of all - never - EVER - EVER EVER EVER - cook meat over bias ply Goodyears or Firestone radials - that is some straight fucked up shit

...just dont do it
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But do we taste more like beef than pork? You'd think beef, but pork could be an option, right?
Is that we as in Men or just people in general? Cause, ya know, you left off the fish possibilities...
I give approximately zero shits about that country. It and the Dom Rep are on the same island with the same resources. Spain actually prepared the locals to govern once Spain left. France on the western side? Not so much. France created this problem, and I understand Haiti is in the Americas and under our influence. When you're sick and have a fever you allow the fever to burn out. Let Haiti go and we can figure it out from the ash.

Besides, we have enough countries to put ahead of our citizens. Why allow Haiti to interfere with the Zelensky Retirement Fund?

That's a weird way of looking at it. At one point Haiti was the dominant country on the Island. The Black Francophones occupied the Santo Domingo for 22 years. Then the the Dominicans fought for 12 years to overthrow the Haitians.

But Marines occupied DR twice. Maybe it was us who made them more chill? Or was is the baseball that the Marines imported with them? In 1965 we deployed 24,000 troops to the DR and we were in active engagement in their civil war. Wonder what the official history at 3IBCT, 82nd is like on this?
But Marines occupied DR twice. Maybe it was us who made them more chill? Or was is the baseball that the Marines imported with them? In 1965 we deployed 24,000 troops to the DR and we were in active engagement in their civil war. Wonder what the official history at 3IBCT, 82nd is like on this?

One thing the Marines do extremely well is chronicle their history, there is a great paper (PDF and searchable on the interwebs) on the Marines in Haiti in 1965. My dad was with 1/8 and on that op (two points of trivia, 1) he was injured but never got a PH, and 2) he brought home a blood-stained machete which I still have). The DR seems to have been in a deep state of chill since 65, is economically prosperous, and a tourist haven. They did something right.

I know squat-all about the Marines in DR in 1916.
There used to be a really nice resort just south of Saint Marc it was a Club Med Resort in the 70's and early 80s before it closed up and was bought out. It was reopened and then re-closed in the 90s I did several trips to Haiti back in the 1990's and we drove past it a few times going from Cap-Haïtien to Port-au-Potty.

Its fucking beautiful. The beach is like something out of an 80's era chick flick.
...but out side the gates - Fuhgeddaboudit

It seemed so out of place - such a beautiful landscape in the midst of so much poverty and suffering. Seperated by such a meaningless "security fence" that served more as a symbol of that gap between privelege and dispair...

I remember hearing the resort mentioned as being located on "The Beautiful Island of Hispaniola" when I was a much younger man. I never knew it was actually in Haiti until my second trip to that magical island in the mid 1990's. You would hear it talked about on those old day time TV game shows - always part of a prize package that included an all expense paid trip to an exclusive beach front resort on the beautiful island of Hispaniola.
...but nobody EVER won an all expense, paid vacation to Haiti so they could stay in hotel on the beach just an hour north of Port-au-Potty. It was ALWAYS the beautiful island of Hispaniola.
- FUCK NO - People would have tuned the fuck out and never watched another day time game show for the rest of their natural lives if they thought the grand prize was a trip to Haiti where they might be kidnapped by the Ton Ton Macoute or taken hostage by the FRAPH.

Imagine the following scenario:
"Come on down! You're our next contestant on - The Price is Right"
In ecstasy you climb over the losers in your row - kicking over their drinks and scattering the contents of their pocketbooks - fuck those basic bitches - you are on your way to "Bidders Row"
-You correctly guessed the cost of that 'Oster Classic 8-speed Party Blender' without going over
-You spun the big wheel and got a $10,000 bonus for landing on the five-cent square
-You got past the "Professor Price" game without a hitch
-Then came the Showcase Showdown...
...Your contestant went first - Bob Barker went down the list of prizes...
-a 15-pound Butterball roasting turkey
-a Litton microwave oven
-a Maytag dishwasher,

You had Butterflies in your stomach. You could feel it in your bones - you just knew that when Bobby Boy uncovered the showcase prizes that you would be bidding on - it was going to be fucking epic.
EPIC - you couldn't wait - do it Bobby Boy
DO IT !!

Bob Barker started down the list of great prizes you could win if "The Price Is Right"
-a Firestone electric grill
-season tickets for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
-an Energy Star compliant Toshiba laptop with a solar power charger
-an eco-friendly washer/dryercombo unit from LG
...and a seven day all expense paid trip for two to an exclusive resort in... Haiti

I "won" a trip trip to Haiti?
Is this some kind of sick joke? that point - you lost all of your faculties - you became an unhinged savage - you grab an old BF Goodrich radial with the tread worn flat and a gas can from that mother fuckers BRAND NEW SPEED BOAT WITH A 75 HP ENGINE and you set off towards Bob Barker with blood in your eyes...
"...The Price is Wrong Bobby!!!"

The last I heard, the US Marines had to be sent in to pull you off of Bob Barker - Mr Barker was recovering at the Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles...
...the scary part was the video of you standing over the charred remains of you opponent. Gnawing on a charred leg bone like a fat kid at Disney would gnaw on a smoked turkey leg. Looking up at Bobby at if to say, "you're next mother fucker."

The horror, the horror...
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I think many of the members of this board have agreed that "we the people" as a collective are no longer serious about being Americans - but - is there a shifting paradigm at play here ?
Is it possible that people all over the planet have simply decided that they are no longer serious about being people ?

I cannot be looked to for answers - I am a biased, cynical, jaded, biased, hypocritical, pompous, biased, unapologetic jerk that is drowning in my own self loathing - it should be obvious that I stopped being serious about everything quite some time ago...
...its one thing when I am making jokes about violent gangster cannibalism's not out of the ordinary when I use something like Emmet Otters Jug Band Christmas or The Price is Right to make jokes about something as apocalyptic as roving street gangs killing and eating human beings for shock value.

...but the Babylon Bee?
Et tu Babylon Bee?
Mother of all fucks - is it just me or does humanity seem to be racing towards the abyss with reckless abandon ???

It is sad to see innocence die with such indifference - but the 'Bee certainly does do it with style.
Thankfully just the embassy etc this time and not half the population hanging off C17s.

Give it time - let the situation marinate - let some "everything is beautiful, its own way" limousine liberal get a hold of this and we'll be balls deep in trying to fix that fucking place with US taxpayer dollars because of racism and climate change... your bets