MARSOC A&S September/October 2011

We weren't. But thanks for the advice.

Your situational awareness and military ettiquette leave a hell of a lot to be desired.
Are you always a completely self centered and arrogant turd?
From the way you just spoke to someone you know is a decorated Marine Combat Officer, I do believe you would piss on Chesty Puller's grave.
We weren't. But thanks for the advice.

Not going to beat you up, but I would appreciate it if you would use a little more respect when discussing an issue or seeking advice from some of the senior and well respected members of this board. Both 0699 and Tuefel have been long members here, been and done the things you hope to someday achieve, and deserve the respect they are due.

I think the counseling for the uniform correction is bullshit, however, he is your PSG and as so, you need to meet his standard. You are not in MARSOC yet, you are in that SSGT platoon. You need to show that SSGT the respect that his rank deserves. No if’s, and’s or but’s. Do what the USMC requires you to do, serve to the best of your ability, follow the orders of the officers and NCO appointed over you and continue to represent your branch of the armed forces honorably out of the respect of those who served before you and for those who will follow you. You will understand this when you have a little more rank on your collar and a HSLD young Marine in your platoon someday.

Get yourself straight, stay on target and good luck with A&S!
There was no disrespect intended. The post had moved to a different topic but I thanked him for his advice of situational awareness.
There was no disrespect intended. The post had moved to a different topic but I thanked him for his advice of situational awareness.

Sometimes it is best to say nothing and I think your "We weren't..." post wasn't needed. What probably seemed like a polite thing to do at the time came across to me as a bit of an arrogant brush-off. The nuances of communicating on the Net are a little different from face-to-face or or verbal interaction.

I'm not going to beat you up or play Internet Tough Guy, but you need to understand that something posted here, regardless of your intent, can be read by a lurker and have profound implications upon your Marine Corps career. This goes for anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, on this board.

Good luck.
Check it out. I used to be in a cool guy outfit similar to the one you want to join. I'm not anymore; such is the curse of the Marine officer career path. I know I will be back one day but I will be blousing my boots, cutting my hair and everything else until my MCC doesn't start with a V [indicator for Marine infantry battalions]. That's just the way it is. I don't think you are in a Victor unit. I think you would gain a different appreciation for this issue if you were. Life is different in the grunt battalions (like where your SSgt came from) and that's just the way it is. If you don't play the game and color by the numbers you may adversely affect your ability to go where you want to go. That's what it really comes down to. If you have been following these forums you have seen that I don't normally bash new guys or hopefuls. Tone doesn't carry very well on the internet; this is something that can be applied to both posts.
Here's another way to look at it, for any SOF hopefuls. Situational awareness has already been touched on i.e. knowing what is going on around you/knowing your current environment. As SOF, and really as a soldier of any type, this is something you need to have all the time not just when you're deployed. You always have to have SA on your surroundings.

When I leave our team room my appearance looks like a recruiting poster, it's not because I'm a motard but because my SA of my surroundings tells me that the wings and bubble on my chest draws attention both good and bad. I know that it would give some senior SNCO or Officer the biggest hard on to life me out for a shitty uniform haircut or shave. I do the same thing in the rear I do in the field, I avoid compromise. Don't think the exact same thing can't happen over here maybe not something that small, but if you get flagged as that guy who wants to push the limits of the standard in a bad way you will go away. It's as simple as that.

Final thought, if you can't work with and manuver around someone in your chain of command how do expect to do it with a stubborn leader of a different culture, which is one of the core task of the unit you want to join? Judging from the reasoning in your post you either need re-evaluate your thought process, some more time to mature before you try to come over here, or you need to seek life else where.
Thanks for all the input. I've definitely taken it to heart. I don't know why my Platoon Sgt and got off on a bad note but it seems weve resolved it. I've talked to him aside from everyone a couple times and we now have a mutual understanding of each other. I know what he expects of me and the Marines here and he better understands my drive and potential and my influence of the Marines here. He's put me in charge of a squad even over a couple Cpls and now things are definitely looking like they are going to head in a better direction then they were.