MARSOF Intel/ 8071


Verified Military
Nov 23, 2012
Camp Pendleton, Ca
I'm an 0231/ Intel Analyst (Secret Squirrel) by trade, but am going through my options in the MARSOC field. There is plenty of information regarding the CSO route, but I can't really find too much about the Intel pipeline. Once you complete the course are you attached to an MSOB or MSOT? Any amplifying information would be appreciated.

Just out of curiosity, why did you feel the need to put "secret squirrel" in your post? You went from a well typed post to a completely naive post.
Just for the simple fact whenever I mention my MOS, someone always seems to slip in the notion of 'SS.' But out of curiosity, how does the post go from well typed to, "completely naive," by me mentioning secret squirrel?
Just for the simple fact whenever I mention my MOS, someone always seems to slip in the notion of 'SS.' But out of curiosity, how does the post go from well typed to, "completely naive," by me mentioning secret squirrel?

I can't speak for fox1371, only for myself, but I find that someone who throws out the Secret Squirrel tag/ title/ whatever is usually trying to be "cool". It is a little cheeky to me and not in the good sort of way.

We have a member on this board who had an officer show up to his unit wearing the Milspecmonkey Secret Squirrel patch; that new officer only lasted about a day thanks to their choice to wear that patch.

For whatever reason(s), that title/ career nickname can offer up some bad images to an outsider like myself. It seems childish; 15 years ago it might have been cool or funny, but not anymore.
Just for the simple fact whenever I mention my MOS, someone always seems to slip in the notion of 'SS.' But out of curiosity, how does the post go from well typed to, "completely naive," by me mentioning secret squirrel?

It's just not necessary. And to others, especially other intelligence professionals, and in particularly those of us who have done this for a long time, it is irksome and reflects a lack of either 1) experience/maturity or 2) professional pride of the person using the term.

If you're proud of your profession, you don't use terms of derision to describe it or your role in it. You don't refer to yourself as an "intel weenie" or a "geek" or a "secret squirrel," or any number of other terms. And, if you're really proud of what you do, you don't allow others to use it around you, either. Some may say that they are terms of affection; they're not, they're terms of derision that have become so commonplace that people don't even think about it anymore.

By the way, I'm one of the parties referred to in the post above. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not I was the one wearing that patch, or the one that did the firing.

OK, so let's set aside the whole "Secret Squirrel" thing and chalk it on to professional development, and see if someone can address the questions that you have.
I concur wholeheartedly with the above. Also, the term evokes images of “hiding behind the green door” which undermines the work of all good intelligence professionals.
Moving on…
0231’s will complete their initial pipeline to become 8071’s. Next, they will complete additional training depending on PME progression, time available, past experience, team shortfalls, etc. Generally, they will be assigned to a DST and work at the MSOC, sometimes they will do a SOTF. Getting down to an MSOT is METT-TC dependant, but not uncommon.
Bottom line: it depends.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
The above is the same except 26xxs will be almost exclusively at the MSOT level.


As an 8071 you will have completed all SOF level 1 training which will entail generalized SOF mos training (intel for you), Special Operations Training Course, and SERE. This is basic level training hence level 1 and is the standard for recieving an 8071 secondary MOS.

Upon completion of your pipeline (about 9 months total) you will remain at your parent command within MARSOC, typically intel BN for you, until you are tasked for an operation/deployment. From there, depending on what your role is you will be pushed to either the SOTF, MSOC, or MSOT for that slated deployment. You will likely have more follow on training that is assignment dependent. When you return from deployment, normally you will be placed back into your parent command.

You will receive SDA pay once you receive the 8071 secondary
Yes you can go to jump and dive based on seat availability (we get more available monthly)
-BICs are available as well
Yes you will work hard, but it pays dividends not only in experience and training but the quality of personnel you work with

What it's not:
A back door into permanent team assignment
A way for you to do the "cool guy stuff" all the time
- you'll do fun training, you'll live your career a little differently, and youll have deployment experiences that will be MUCH differant than big fleet counterparts but as far as the team is concerned, they rely on you to do your job proficiently. You do your job well, you'll probably get to go play a few rounds but don't take the common misconception that you're going to have the role of both (in your case) an intel guy and a CSO. You're an intel guy who's on the team, doing team things.

You haven't given that impression I just feel it needs to be said to anyone considering the 71 field because it really is most Marines' initial impression when they come here.

As far as the specifics of your intel training, I would never discuss that on an open forum nor would I think anyone else here would.

Hope this helped.

As an 8071 you will have completed all SOF level 1 training which will entail generalized SOF mos training (intel for you), Special Operations Training Course, and SERE. This is basic level training hence level 1 and is the standard for recieving an 8071 secondary MOS.

Upon completion of your pipeline (about 9 months total) you will remain at your parent command within MARSOC, typically intel BN for you, until you are tasked for an operation/deployment. From there, depending on what your role is you will be pushed to either the SOTF, MSOC, or MSOT for that slated deployment. You will likely have more follow on training that is assignment dependent. When you return from deployment, normally you will be placed back into your parent command.

You will receive SDA pay once you receive the 8071 secondary
Yes you can go to jump and dive based on seat availability (we get more available monthly)
-BICs are available as well
Yes you will work hard, but it pays dividends not only in experience and training but the quality of personnel you work with

What it's not:
A back door into permanent team assignment
A way for you to do the "cool guy stuff" all the time
- you'll do fun training, you'll live your career a little differently, and youll have deployment experiences that will be MUCH differant than big fleet counterparts but as far as the team is concerned, they rely on you to do your job proficiently. You do your job well, you'll probably get to go play a few rounds but don't take the common misconception that you're going to have the role of both (in your case) an intel guy and a CSO. You're an intel guy who's on the team, doing team things.

You haven't given that impression I just feel it needs to be said to anyone considering the 71 field because it really is most Marines' initial impression when they come here.

As far as the specifics of your intel training, I would never discuss that on an open forum nor would I think anyone else here would.

Hope this helped.


You've had support guys go to dive? Why? It's hard enough for operators to go. BRC/OTC used to be a requirement.
It was just available for a couple of guys and they took advantage of it. Typically Fires snakes seats the easiest and now everyone is on the jump school factory assembly line. Call it luck of the dice I guess concerning the guys w bubbles.
It was just available for a couple of guys and they took advantage of it. Typically Fires snakes seats the easiest and now everyone is on the jump school factory assembly line. Call it luck of the dice I guess concerning the guys w bubbles.

Guys got to get their badges after all. It's all some guys care about.
Seeing this discussion about 8071's (especially in relation to Intel guys) really makes me wish I hadn't dicked up the opportunities I had to go that route. Michael Golembesky has written a little about it on SOFREP as well, and made the whole concept sound very exciting. I fills me with regret that I didn't make it. Doubly so when I used to look on the MOL list for my rank/MOS and sort by billeted MOS's for the 8071's and see what kind of turds had that designator! Guys I knew from as far back as Dam Neck who couldn't string together a cogent sentence if their chow depended on it. Guys who, even after four years in the fleet, were producing absolute garbage products. Guys without even a deployment. And there they were, up in that lofty pantheon , having finally "arrived".

When I was checking out to EAS, I saw one such guy at CIF. A guy who had a reputation throughout the whole MAW for sucking at Intel. I chatted him up for a minute and asked where he was going. "Oh, I'm going over to x MSOB, pretty cool huh?". Keeping the straightest face I could, I asked if the screening had been difficult. He said "Oh no, I knew a SSgt over there and he by-name requested me. Didn't really have to screen". It was about all I could do to prevent myself from punching him. I fucking hate nepotism. Hate it more than anything else. Sometimes it serves a purpose, to get a well-qualified guy in spot where he's needed in a short period of time. But when it gets a shitlord into a position like that where lives are at stake because he was buddies with a staff NCO.......that's such shit. And it doubly upsets me because I was scrutinized so heavily. This little fuck, who hadn't done so much as an Iraq tour, was getting to where I wanted to go. What the fuck?

Rant over.
When I was checking out to EAS, I saw one such guy at CIF. A guy who had a reputation throughout the whole MAW for sucking at Intel. I chatted him up for a minute and asked where he was going. "Oh, I'm going over to x MSOB, pretty cool huh?".

I just found out yesterday that this guy got a DUI when he got to Pendleton, got busted down to lance and kicked over to a victor unit. I know it shouldn't, but that news warmed the cockles of my tiny black heart 8-)
All except now the victor unit has to deal with him. When I was at HMX-1, we had the lowest rate of NJP and Courts Martial in the entire Corps, because the slightest fuck up would get you sent to Base HQ Bn, transferred with orders and a charge sheet. Great for us, but now it's just another problem that the joining unit has to deal with.
It was just available for a couple of guys and they took advantage of it. Typically Fires snakes seats the easiest and now everyone is on the jump school factory assembly line. Call it luck of the dice I guess concerning the guys w bubbles.

Have you actually seen these guys go to MCD or seen their BTR? Because thats pretty impossible unless they hold a 0321, 0302, 0203, 0307, 0372, 8404 MOS, thats a non waiverable requirement thats part of the course. I've heard plenty of support guys talking out of their ass saying they were going to dive school because they think they can fool the actual divers who know the requirements. However, as Teufel said its hard enough for operators to get a seat, let alone pass the course. There isn't an ops chief or CO that would sign off on that, and even if they did it wouldn't matter because they still don't meet the MOS requirements. Thats part of the MCD check list.

Thats like them saying "I'm going to the advanced Sniper course" but their not a Sniper. It dosen't work like that.

Not to mention MCD isn't like going to get your civilian dive licence. I've seen plenty of Recon Marines and CSO's who have a VERY strong water background not be able to hack it. Unless these support guys where college swimmers I don't see them just being able to jump in to pre-dive and pass onto MCD.