Not Work Safe MONDAY IN THA' HOOD!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't know, man. Not everyone in the military thinks in the same way. I used to be a libertarian when I was growing up, but as I got older I began to take a hard look at my values. I voted for McCain in 2008, but went for Obama in 2012. I didn't vote in 2004 (the first year that I was eligible) because I was in Iraq at the time and we didn't get our absentee ballots until about three weeks after the election ended.
I am too. Being in the military, particularly in SOF made me more liberal than I was when I enlisted.
Is it really that difficult to imagine someone having a different set of standards/beliefs/political views?
We get it, you don't agree with them. You made your point.
Conservative girls are the easiest.

Sigh. Regrettably he's right. In Northern Minnesota we call them "Range Girls", and they all talk like Sarah Palin.

The liberal girls live in Minneapolis and work for the Target corporate office. They're hotter than the Range Girls, but are cunty as fuck.

Swear this is true, growing up in Duluth I'd see women wearing t-shirts that said, "Range Girls put out more!"*

Loved me some Range Girls!

* In reference to the Iron Range and the mining industry.
You know I always strive to be more like Jesus and I am pretty sure Jesus was a liberal as far as most things are concerned. So loving my fellow man even if we disagree is part of that. 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' Here is the thing though, socialism as a government doesn't work and fails every time. Taking away my/our guns will only ensure we become slaves or worse in the future.Smoking pot as a recreation is for hippies and we all know hippies throw/threw shit on our fellow veterans returning from Vietnam.

If you vote for Hillary Clinton you have lost your mind. She has sold so many of our fellow veterans down the river it is ridiculous. Not to mention Benghazi and the classified information she so nonchalantly throws around on her so called private server with a backdoor that goes straight to our enemies.

So yeah, even if I wanted to further emulate my lord and savior I couldn't because I can never be a peace loving socialist hippy that votes for Barrack Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton..
Is it really that difficult to imagine someone having a different set of standards/beliefs/political views?
We get it, you don't agree with them. You made your point.
Sometimes it can be very difficult. Especially when I don't think the other person has fully thought their choices of sides through. Sometimes I think people just pick and chose a few things to get behind and ignore the rest that their party stands for in general.
Where did I say I was for socialism, taking away guns, or voting for Hillary? I mean, if you're thinking of total liberal caricatures then of course we all want full communism, complete gun control, FEMA death camps, and all that other shit. But dude, if you were to just take a second to go through the 2A thread, or the Hillary email thread, you will see that I am: 1) Pro-gun, and 2) Pretty openly anti-Hillary. Or shit, you could've just asked instead of assuming I was some ridiculous parody of a liberal.
I don't know, man. Not everyone in the military thinks in the same way. I used to be a libertarian when I was growing up, but as I got older I began to take a hard look at my values. I voted for McCain in 2008, but went for Obama in 2012. I didn't vote in 2004 (the first year that I was eligible) because I was in Iraq at the time and we didn't get our absentee ballots until about three weeks after the election ended.
I was in Iraq in 04 as well. Where were you at? I was in Kirkuk, Tikrit, Al Kut, Al Hay, As Salamaniyah, Baghdad, An Najaf, Al Amarah, and a few other places. Maybe we crossed paths at some point. Who were you with?
Where did I say I was for socialism, taking away guns, or voting for Hillary? I mean, if you're thinking of total liberal caricatures then of course we all want full communism, complete gun control, FEMA death camps, and all that other shit. But dude, if you were to just take a second to go through the 2A thread, or the Hillary email thread, you will see that I am: 1) Pro-gun, and 2) Pretty openly anti-Hillary. Or shit, you could've just asked instead of assuming I was some ridiculous parody of a liberal.
See my post above yours brother.
I was in Iraq in 04 as well. Where were you at? I was in Kirkuk, Tikrit, Al Kut, Al Hay, As Salamaniyah, Baghdad, An Najaf, Al Amarah, and a few other places. Maybe we crossed paths at some point. Who were you with?
3rd LAR. We were mostly in Rutbah but we also spent a little time up in Al Qaim. The battalion split up for Phantom Fury and unfortunately I was one of those unlucky folks who had to stay back. Or maybe it was lucky? I don't know.
3rd LAR. We were mostly in Rutbah but we also spent a little time up in Al Qaim. The battalion split up for Phantom Fury and unfortunately I was one of those unlucky folks who had to stay back. Or maybe it was lucky? I don't know.
Right on, I don't have any of those places marked on my map so we probably never crossed paths. Yeah I see now where Rutbah is. I never went west of Ramadi.
I was in Iraq in 04 as well. Where were you at? I was in Kirkuk, Tikrit, Al Kut, Al Hay, As Salamaniyah, Baghdad, An Najaf, Al Amarah, and a few other places. Maybe we crossed paths at some point. Who were you with?

I was in Baghdad 04-05, actually my platoon used to take a 3 man Psyop team around on patrols. Haifa, East Baghdad, Zanfrinia, a few times up to Sadder City. I spent some time in Najaf (North Side) June-August 2004.

Different times those were...
Sometimes it can be very difficult. Especially when I don't think the other person has fully thought their choices of sides through. Sometimes I think people just pick and chose a few things to get behind and ignore the rest that their party stands for in general.

Sigh. If it is difficult, maybe you should expand your critical thinking skills. I can easily put myself in the shoes of an opposing argument most of the time. In fact, I hold pretty conservative opinions, but I think that they are not realistic in our current society.

Being a liberal doesn't equate to being anti-gun, and certainly doesn't mean I am pro-Hillary. Critical thinking man, you should check it out.
Where did I say I was for socialism, taking away guns, or voting for Hillary? I mean, if you're thinking of total liberal caricatures then of course we all want full communism, complete gun control, FEMA death camps, and all that other shit. But dude, if you were to just take a second to go through the 2A thread, or the Hillary email thread, you will see that I am: 1) Pro-gun, and 2) Pretty openly anti-Hillary. Or shit, you could've just asked instead of assuming I was some ridiculous parody of a liberal.
I don't think you are really a liberal.
Sigh. If it is difficult, maybe you should expand your critical thinking skills. I can easily put myself in the shoes of an opposing argument most of the time. In fact, I hold pretty conservative opinions, but I think that they are not realistic in our current society.

Being a liberal doesn't equate to being anti-gun, and certainly doesn't mean I am pro-Hillary. Critical thinking man, you should check it out.
My critical thinking determines that you and deathy aren't really liberals at all. I think that you think because you see one or two things in a liberal way that makes you a liberal. Well it doesn't it just means that you have some liberal viewpoints.
I was in Baghdad 04-05, actually my platoon used to take a 3 man Psyop team around on patrols. Haifa, East Baghdad, Zanfrinia, a few times up to Sadder City. I spent some time in Najaf (North Side) June-August 2004.

Different times those were...
Right on, I probably know the team you were with or the team that was with you. I was in Baghdad with those guys for a minute when I was getting checked out after a humvee roll-over while I was in the turret. Screwed my back up pretty good but they gave me some good meds. Was it Tikrit or Baghdad that had the lions? I can't remember.
Right on, I probably know the team you were with or the team that was with you. I was in Baghdad with those guys for a minute when I was getting checked out after a humvee roll-over while I was in the turret. Screwed my back up pretty good but they gave me some good meds. Was it Tikrit or Baghdad that had the lions? I can't remember.

Baghdad FOB Grey Wolf, right next door to my Btn. I know the team was a reserve unit out of DallasTX, call sign was Maverick (96?) pretty good crew, the TL was a US Marshal if I remember correctly. They saw some shit with us. I was with TF-Warrior 1-153 Infantry, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't cross paths a few time, seems we were in some of the same A/O's
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