Not Work Safe MONDAY IN THA' HOOD!!!!!!!!!!

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Baghdad FOB Grey Wolf, right next door to my Btn. I know the team was a reserve unit out of DallasTX, call sign was Maverick (96?) pretty good crew, the TL was a US Marshal if I remember correctly. They saw some shit with us. I was with TF-Warrior 1-153 Infantry, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't cross paths a few time, seems we were in some of the same A/O's
Yep they were out of Texas. I have some pictures of them somewhere. I am just to lazy to go through all my discs to find them. As I remember they were training a few Iraqis and I think the Iraqis they trained later called themselves Iraqi special forces. /Snicker. They were good guys though.
I remember going out on patrol with them once while I was there and the Iraqi guys were running low on fuel and they stopped and found some guy on the street selling petrol. They started banging the shit out of his orange and white taxi with the butts of their AKs like it was a red headed stepchild trying to get the fuel from his trunk. Made me laugh.


:) Yeah but this Monday is about what happens in the Iowa caucuses. So a 2-fer Monday thread if we/I may. Sorry to hijack though.
Yep, yeah they had three knuckleheads they trained/took out with them. Actually pretty good dudes, but yeah they were a far cry from anything special. My Btn trained the ICDC company that they were on loan from, I heard that they had later reflagged as a "commando" unit. I hope they got a lot more training before they did that, b/c those knot heads were still pretty lost. Biggest problem was trying to keep them from selling of their weapons and body armor. Outside of that, we take them out take a few pot shots and they would open up on the whole god damn neighborhood screaming Alibaba and shit. We truly dreaded patrolling with that company of ICDC. Try and teach them some tactic's, they shake their heads and act like they understand, and just run off and do whatever the hell they wanted.

That Psyop team we took out was pretty legit, they mounted their speaker in a ruck sack and did dismounted patrols with us up on Haifa st, we had a few good gun fights up there, they would always blast Highway to Hell or Crazy Train as we went in and out of that A/O.

Good times!
Monday can choke on the needle the Doctor shoved in my spine today.
Yep, yeah they had three knuckleheads they trained/took out with them. Actually pretty good dudes, but yeah they were a far cry from anything special. My Btn trained the ICDC company that they were on loan from, I heard that they had later reflagged as a "commando" unit. I hope they got a lot more training before they did that, b/c those knot heads were still pretty lost. Biggest problem was trying to keep them from selling of their weapons and body armor. Outside of that, we take them out take a few pot shots and they would open up on the whole god damn neighborhood screaming Alibaba and shit. We truly dreaded patrolling with that company of ICDC. Try and teach them some tactic's, they shake their heads and act like they understand, and just run off and do whatever the hell they wanted.

That Psyop team we took out was pretty legit, they mounted their speaker in a ruck sack and did dismounted patrols with us up on Haifa st, we had a few good gun fights up there, they would always blast Highway to Hell or Crazy Train as we went in and out of that A/O.

Good times!
Ha ha! Right on man. Good times. ;-)
This is the greatest fucking Monday thread ever! It should be "Stickied" as an example of what any Monday can bring.
Yep they were out of Texas. I have some pictures of them somewhere. I am just to lazy to go through all my discs to find them. As I remember they were training a few Iraqis and I think the Iraqis they trained later called themselves Iraqi special forces. /Snicker. They were good guys though.

345th POC (A), were located in Dallas, now moved to an address in Lewisville, TX (suburb of Dallas). Good unit....great bunch of guys. Yep, the US Marshal is still with them.
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345th POC (A), were located in Dallas, now moved to an address in Lewisville, TX (suburb of Dallas). Good unit....great bunch of guys. Yep, the US Marshal is still with them.

That US Marshal dude was pretty cool, he came up with this mission to raid a haijis house who was putting up anti coalition propaganda. Our Btn Cdr, was like cool assigned our platoon to do the raid for them and told our PL/PSG work it out with Psyop guys. So we show up and dude just starts telling us his plan (it was a good plan) but it was as a mid day raid, and we were middle of the night guys. Anyway, the plan called for us to just roll up, dismount have guntrucks do fire support, with two squads hit the house. Well there was a gate locked, so his plan was to put the ICDC guys he trained over the wall via ladder, and have them unlock the gate, keep in mind this mid day. lol, so were are like why don't we 1) do this at night, 2) just use a tow strap and a truck to rip the gate down. He was like, nah we will do it this way. Our PL was like "its his mission, we're just the trigger pullers on this one". So any way, we go to hit the house, haiji is outside, never actually had to assault the place turned out to bad Intel (neighbors feuding).

But I always remembered that and was really taken back that this E5 was planning his own raids in the badland's and getting Infantry platoons to back his plays. I always wanted to cross over to PSYOP's after that, but got caught up doing other shit.

Really enjoyed working with those guys, and hope someday I get to run into a few of them again.
That US Marshal dude was pretty cool, he came up with this mission to raid a haijis house who was putting up anti coalition propaganda. Our Btn Cdr, was like cool assigned our platoon to do the raid for them and told our PL/PSG work it out with Psyop guys. So we show up and dude just starts telling us his plan (it was a good plan) but it was as a mid day raid, and we were middle of the night guys. Anyway, the plan called for us to just roll up, dismount have guntrucks do fire support, with two squads hit the house. Well there was a gate locked, so his plan was to put the ICDC guys he trained over the wall via ladder, and have them unlock the gate, keep in mind this mid day. lol, so were are like why don't we 1) do this at night, 2) just use a tow strap and a truck to rip the gate down. He was like, nah we will do it this way. Our PL was like "its his mission, we're just the trigger pullers on this one". So any way, we go to hit the house, haiji is outside, never actually had to assault the place turned out to bad Intel (neighbors feuding).

But I always remembered that and was really taken back that this E5 was planning his own raids in the badland's and getting Infantry platoons to back his plays. I always wanted to cross over to PSYOP's after that, but got caught up doing other shit.

Really enjoyed working with those guys, and hope someday I get to run into a few of them again.
I was thinking. I am half drunk now keep that in mind but you and I have gone on at least one patrol together. I think that is pretty awesome. Small world brother. Small world.
" Really enjoyed working with those guys, and hope someday I get to run into a few of them again." Glad you had a good experience with them!

Back in 2001 the 345th Commander was PD, XO was Dallas PD/SWAT, 1SG was PD/SWAT.....and a bunch of LEO's throughout the unit.... When we deployed Dec 2001 for OEF, we had a great bunch of tactical 3 man teams....mature, confident and we integrated well with the ODA's we were assigned to.........really good times.
ESI? I had to go through a shit load of those several years back, to include several ablation

Lumbar caudal block, I've been getting facet blocks for a couple years now that have given me a lot of nerve pain relief but the Dr couldn't get the needle in due to scar tissue from surgery. They both hurt like a bitch.

Are you sure it was a needle?
and are you sure it was your spine that got raped:p

lol Yes.
Lumbar caudal block, I've been getting facet blocks for a couple years now that have given me a lot of nerve pain relief but the Dr couldn't get the needle in due to scar tissue from surgery. They both hurt like a bitch.

That shit will make you fat if you're not eating right/exercising. All my problems are up top cervical/thoracic, but man I packed on 20lbs quick, like in 90days. Found out later that a major side affect was weight gain. You probably know this, but figured I'd pass it on incase.
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