More Pakistupidity...


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
Publicly we buy into it, gotta' keep our "ally" happy I suppose. :rolleyes:

Panetta said he did not know when the Pakistani operation would start, but he said he understands it will be in the "near future," and that the main target will be the Pakistani Taliban, rather than the Haqqani network.

Dear Pakistani Taliban/ TTP, It isn't you, it's me. We can still be friends, right? Totally ignore the fact that I'm banging your best friend. <3's!!!!! The ISI

Touching on another major U.S. frustration in Afghanistan, Panetta said he saw the accelerating pattern of attacks on American and other coalition troops by members of the Afghan army and police as a sign that the Taliban is grasping for success. But he also said he has been assured by U.S. military commanders that "this still remains sporadic" and not a long-term trend.

"Not a long-term trend?" What are we calling a long term trend because this shiat has gone on for several years now. But hey, not a long term trend so we're all good, right? This is just a momentary blip in the radar that has killed around 100 ISAF members since 2007, over 1/3 of those were this year alone. 13 percent of ISAF KIA's this year are green on blue, so I'm glad this isn't a long term trend...:rolleyes:

Yep, everything's good here! Nothing but good news from Afghanistan!
Pakistan are the ultimate trolls.

I'm convinced that they purposely come out with ridiculous lies just to see how much people will swallow it. Cunts.
"We" didn't, Ghandi did. Ghandi was a fool in many ways, this was one of them.

Ghandi? You off your meds again? The Mountbatten Plan and Radcliffe Line had nothing to do with Ghandi, hence the names, in fact he was against partitian IIRC.
On a related topic, I bring you (courtesy of a LISTSERV I'm a member of) more about @Freefalling's favorite state-sponsored terrorist group, the Haqqani Network:

Haqqani Network Financing The Evolution of an Industry
Jul 31, 2012
Author: Gretchen Peters

The CTC's latest report leverages captured battlefield material and the insights of local community members in Afghanistan and Pakistan to outline the financial architecture that sustains the Haqqani faction of the Afghan insurgency.

The Haqqani network is widely recognized as a semi-autonomous component of the Taliban and as the deadliest and most globally focused faction of that latter group. What receives far less attention is the fact that the Haqqani network also appears to be the most sophisticated and diversified from a financial standpoint. In addition to raising funds from ideologically like-minded donors, an activity the Haqqanis have engaged in since the 1980s, information collected for this report indicates that over the past three decades they have penetrated key business sectors, including import-export, transport, real estate and construction in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Arab Gulf and beyond.

The Haqqani network also appears to operate its own front companies, many of which seem to be directed at laundering illicit proceeds. By examining these issues this report demonstrates how the Haqqanis' involvement in criminal and profit-making activities has diversified over time in pragmatic response to shifting funding conditions and economic opportunities, and how members of the group have a financial incentive to remain the dealmakers and the enforcers in their area of operations, a dynamic which is likely to complicate future U.S. and Afghan efforts to deal with the group.

Full text of the 60+ page report is at:
Ghandi? You off your meds again? The Mountbatten Plan and Radcliffe Line had nothing to do with Ghandi, hence the names, in fact he was against partitian IIRC.

I was just going off what an Indian mate told me. Google has proved him wrong.
For FF:

Gunmen attack Kamra military air base in Pakistan

Gunmen have attacked a Pakistani military air base and are engaged in a fierce fire-fight with security forces, officials say.
Militants attacked the Kamra air base about 60km (35 miles) north-west of the capital Islamabad with guns and hand grenades, local media reported.
The Pakistani air force said troops had cordoned off the area. The attack happened just before dawn on Thursday.
For FF:

Gunmen attack Kamra military air base in Pakistan

Gunmen have attacked a Pakistani military air base and are engaged in a fierce fire-fight with security forces, officials say.
Militants attacked the Kamra air base about 60km (35 miles) north-west of the capital Islamabad with guns and hand grenades, local media reported.
The Pakistani air force said troops had cordoned off the area. The attack happened just before dawn on Thursday.

Oh man, that's Bad Karma! :ROFLMAO:
On a related topic, I bring you (courtesy of a LISTSERV I'm a member of) more about @Freefalling's favorite state-sponsored terrorist group, the Haqqani Network:
The Haqqani network is widely recognized as a semi-autonomous component of the Taliban and as the deadliest and most globally focused faction of that latter group

Wait until we retreat, err "de-surge" or whatever we do these days and the Taliban become a subset or vassal of the HQN. If Omar and his cronies can't see (I crack me up) that? Oh well.

Gunmen have attacked a Pakistani military air base and are engaged in a fierce fire-fight with security forces, officials say.

That's the only damned way PK's armed forces will see a fight. I LOVE all of the violence during this "holy month" for the religion of peace....

I dont have a link yet but I have it on good authority that someone was yelling "Fuck Pakistan" during this attack.

I say it every morning when I wake up and 4-5 times throughout day.
For FF:

Gunmen attack Kamra military air base in Pakistan

Gunmen have attacked a Pakistani military air base and are engaged in a fierce fire-fight with security forces, officials say.
Militants attacked the Kamra air base about 60km (35 miles) north-west of the capital Islamabad with guns and hand grenades, local media reported.
The Pakistani air force said troops had cordoned off the area. The attack happened just before dawn on Thursday.

Dear diary.... Jackpot!