Mountain of Poo on Mt. Everest

The waste issue has been a topic of discussion for several years. People are dying to reach the summit while others are barely functioning, so clean up is the last on anyone's "To Do" list. Hell, there's a body (Green Boots) used as a trail marker for the ascent.
Unfortunately, we humans tend to oftentimes ruin things if left to ourselves to be regulated.

Hopefully, somehow, we humans can come up with a good way to fix the problem that we created!
Supposedly Annapurna is the hardest on Earth to climb, but it doesn't rhyme with poo.....:D

If I ever make it big, I want to open a doughnut shoppe at base camp....the altitude messes up the way they cook but man are they good......:thumbsup:
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While this has a lot of support, I can't say I like it: China Tries to Conquer Everest

The paved road to basecamp is probably the beginning of the end.

Several years ago my wife and I were training to climb Everest. The main factor we couldn't hurdle was the cost. The second largest issue was we had this idea that it wasn't overly commercialized. Truth is, it is. In fact, one side of the mountain (I believe the north face) has been pretty much monopolized to only a single company operating from there.
Maybe they can create a vertical tunnel with and elevator that can get you to the top, and back down again with no risk at all. You just pay $90,000 toll to get on the highway, and away you go. Rooms and food will be extra, of course. Cameras and cell phones will not be allowed. They will take a nice picture of you standing on the top for another $1,000.
Hotel rooms will go for another $1,000/ night. When you leave and get back to the highway gate, you get your cameras, and cell phones back, plus another $1,000 for taxes, and storing your cameras and phones. It will solve the problem of trash that the Southern approach has.

Don't forget to stop at Sponge's doughnut shoppe....bring in your ticket from summitting the North Face and you get a free cup of hate fuel!!!!O_o
While this has a lot of support, I can't say I like it: China Tries to Conquer Everest

The paved road to basecamp is probably the beginning of the end.

Yeah. It would make it easier to clean it up though. It would also allow those who don't want to climb the mountain, view the mountain, including those that may not be able to make the walk in.

At the same time though, maybe some things just aren't for the faint or weak of heart.