
I was just checking out an MRE site and the Italians get a alcohol ration!!!
Two of the seven Italian ration modules (B and F) contain an item called "Cordiale/bevanda alcolica", or Cordial/alcoholic beverage. This is a 3 cl "shot" of a brandy-like liquor in a plastic bottle. The specification for this particular ration item say it must be no less than 70 proof (40°) alcohol and "Its appearance should be clear, pale yellow amber, with a pleasing smell and taste."

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My dad said they used to have Chesterfields, Pall Malls, or Luckies in the old rations in the '60s. Can anyone confirm?
New Zealand and Australia don't either, to my knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised if the Soviets have a 40 ounce vodka bottle in theirs. :D
The French get a little mini jerry of wine, their rations are awesome for a break from your own. Pates, interesting meat choices like tuna salad and pork and green beans, they also come with a small white flag in case of contact during your meal :P

Sorry couldn't resist.
I don't think you get the wine anymore. You used to, and there even used to be a pack of cigarettes! They had to stop that because they said it was promoting people in taking up smoking, lol. I still have some rations if anyone is curious and wants to pay for the postage. :D
The French get a little mini jerry of wine, their rations are awesome for a break from your own. Pates, interesting meat choices like tuna salad and pork and green beans, they also come with a small white flag in case of contact during your meal :P

Sorry couldn't resist.


They also open both the beer and wine taps in their Mess Hall for lunch and dinner. Nothing like going through French Jump School with a nice little BAC flowing through your veins.......;)

As for the cigs, I remember still getting the cigs in C-Rats. Wasn't a normal occurrence, but some of the old accessory packets still made their way in. Always a great bartering tool for something Beef and Shrapnel (the meal that you looked at and it looked back at you) mechanically separated chicken, dead Duke Bars and the dreaded Chili Con Carne LRRPs. Crack a few teeth on those damn beans that never softened.

And finally, the infamous Chocolate Nut Roll. Throw 3 of them into a stream, wait a few minutes for them to balloon up and use them to get across dry as a fly.

Ya'll have no idea how far rations have come since the Flintstones.....:p
They also open both the beer and wine taps in their Mess Hall for lunch and dinner. Nothing like going through French Jump School with a nice little BAC flowing through your veins.......;)

Gotta admit, you ate well at our Jump School (Pau), didn't you? :D

The only thing they're missing at Pau are the soda/pop dispensers you have back at regiment. Drinking water with your meals got old pretty quickly... you get enough of that while you're in the field, so I expect a bit more out of my meal when eating in a "civilized" place, haha. Though they do have orange juice every morning and that's pretty nice.

Edit: so US chili con carne sucks? That's a shame because the chili con carne menu in France is one of the moust sought after rations. You'll shit twice as bad as you normally do when eating MREs for a week, but it tastes fucking GOOD.
the old old old chili con carne is bad, the newer chili rations are ok. just be careful how much hot shit you add, it responds well to red chili powder and hot sauce and it's easy to over do it - scorching your colon and burning your anus in the process :D
My dad said they used to have Chesterfields, Pall Malls, or Luckies in the old rations in the '60s. Can anyone confirm?

Yea, each C-Rat came with a little pack of 4 cigarettes. Somebody mentioned that when he came into the Army in the 80s and they were still eating the Cs, before MREs came out, the cigarettes would practically disintegrate when you touched them, they were so old.

Edit: so US chili con carne sucks? That's a shame because the chili con carne menu in France is one of the moust sought after rations. You'll shit twice as bad as you normally do when eating MREs for a week, but it tastes fucking GOOD.

And if you eat MREs for a long enough period, you won't even have to shit at all.
I don't think you get the wine anymore. :D

Please don't tell me I tried to get drunk of salad dressing... Little green containers with VIN on them, we stole a dozen and a bag of French loaves of some French Air Force blokes who smelt really nice and didn't watch their food, shared it with the 2nd Coy blokes.

They also open both the beer and wine taps in their Mess Hall for lunch and dinner. Nothing like going through French Jump School with a nice little BAC flowing through your veins.......;)

Only got to the Officers mess once in Plum, had a 3 Kronenberg limit put on us before 1630 though. The bloody Aussies showed up after that and they closed the mess down due to the numbers.

The only thing they're missing at Pau are the soda/pop dispensers you have back at regiment. Drinking water with your meals got old pretty quickly...

Edit: so US chili con carne sucks? That's a shame because the chili con carne menu in France is one of the moust sought after rations. You'll shit twice as bad as you normally do when eating MREs for a week, but it tastes fucking GOOD.

Yes the Chilli Con Carne was very nice, the Happy Cow was good to (tinned cheese) but what is up with the metric shit ton of crackers. The little cookers are handy, I still have one.

The coffee we had in the mornings was good but we had these HUGE cups to drink it out of at Plum, almost a bucket you had to get two hands and a firm grasp on the thing.
And if you eat MREs for a long enough period, you won't even have to shit at all.

Yeah, though I never got that. I know some people who could literally go without shitting for a whole week, but not me. I just had to crap at least once per week whilst out in the field.

Mac_NZ said:
Please don't tell me I tried to get drunk of salad dressing... Little green containers with VIN on them, we stole a dozen and a bag of French loaves of some French Air Force blokes who smelt really nice and didn't watch their food, shared it with the 2nd Coy blokes.

Heh, well either they didn't come from field rations, or they came from a batch of older field rations. AFAIK you won't find any alcohol in the new field rations.

Mac_NZ said:
but what is up with the metric shit ton of crackers.

Damn right. They're pretty horrible. Very hard and not much flavor. At least you can use the crackers in lieu of a spoon/fork if you (for some reason) don't have any. Of course the new crackers are much better. Chocolate for the sweet ones, and nicely salted for the plain ones. And they're actually edible.