My Random TV Thread

Any DEXTER fans? It's coming back and it's gonna be amazing. I'm working on it, I read all 10 scripts in a single day, it was that good.
Wow. I never thought they'd be willing to recover from the trainwreck of that last season.

However, I'm a bit intrigued to see what lumberjack Dexter has been up to. A limited series like this does look like it could be redeemable.

You read the scripts? I'm surprised they would have spoilers like that available before the show even started, unless you have an industry in.

Nonetheless.. please share or message them!
Any DEXTER fans? It's coming back and it's gonna be amazing. I'm working on it, I read all 10 scripts in a single day, it was that good.
I realize I may have misread the meaning of the bolded part. Never mind the script part of my last post then, considering the NDAs you're probably bound by.
Wow. I never thought they'd be willing to recover from the trainwreck of that last season.

However, I'm a bit intrigued to see what lumberjack Dexter has been up to. A limited series like this does look like it could be redeemable.

You read the scripts? I'm surprised they would have spoilers like that available before the show even started, unless you have an industry in.

Nonetheless.. please share or message them!

Hannah made Season 8, Change my mind!!!!!
Hannah made Season 8, Change my mind!!!!!
... Ok, she was the only thing keeping it from being a complete trainwreck (and she was the catalyst for Debra's drama). I'm torn between her and Rita because they were great fits for him in totally different ways (way more char development with Rita), but Hannah was definitely more like him in spirit, for better or worse.

Lila? Whole different story. :-x
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Wow. I never thought they'd be willing to recover from the trainwreck of that last season.

However, I'm a bit intrigued to see what lumberjack Dexter has been up to. A limited series like this does look like it could be redeemable.
It's more than redeemable, it's a great storyline, trust me.
Don't screw this up. 😉😉
My job has no effect on the storyline, only on how things look. ;)
She is known to use her shows to exploit just about every agenda. Did you get this angle from the show?
Full disclosure I tend to like her shows. Grey’s Anatomy - till they won the lotto and bought the hospital; I also watched Scandal.

That said, her new show features a mixed race ensemble- The Queen is Asian, Black and White character marry and carry with each other and the only raised eyebrow would be over who’s banging who...not their race. It was addressed at the beginning of the show in a quick way, but that was it. Personally I wish there were more TV shows/movies like this. Somehow she pulled it off without any type of PC message or lesson; I was SO happy about that.

I’m the first to tell a show to go “F itself” as soon as I pick up a hidden agenda. Star Wars did it with their bullshit “with me or against me” shit and a bit in Rogue 1 too. Hated that crap.

I’m telling you guys, this is a really good show. Smartly written, and fantastic acting.

I cannot tell you the last time I watched a Network show, NetFlix/Apple/Amazon are putting out amazing stories; we are in the renaissance of great television.
Full disclosure I tend to like her shows. Grey’s Anatomy - till they won the lotto and bought the hospital; I also watched Scandal.

That said, her new show features a mixed race ensemble- The Queen is Asian, Black and White character marry and carry with each other and the only raised eyebrow would be over who’s banging who...not their race. It was addressed at the beginning of the show in a quick way, but that was it. Personally I wish there were more TV shows/movies like this. Somehow she pulled it off without any type of PC message or lesson; I was SO happy about that.

I’m the first to tell a show to go “F itself” as soon as I pick up a hidden agenda. Star Wars did it with their bullshit “with me or against me” shit and a bit in Rogue 1 too. Hated that crap.

I’m telling you guys, this is a really good show. Smartly written, and fantastic acting.

I cannot tell you the last time I watched a Network show, NetFlix/Apple/Amazon are putting out amazing stories; we are in the renaissance of great television.

Thanks for the insight. I am not going to watch it because of the 'soft porn' thing, but I appreciate your open-minded review.